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  • Abortion. For a number of reasons.
  • The child didn't do anything wrong, so I would not have an abortion, but I would give the child to adoptive services...
  • Well knowing that my xgfs/gfs had 3 misscarried total and 2 abortions then i would forsure keep it even thou i am not ready.
  • Get an abortion. I'm in no way fit to be a parent, the child would be better off never born than they would being raised by me.
  • First, hope that my family had the resources to assist with their upbringing, failing that, give the child up for adoption, hoping some day to meet up with him/her again and establish a good relationship.
  • I'd have the baby, and keep it.
  • that is such a hard question to answer. since I am now 24, I would definately keep it because I am old enough to take care of it. But if I was younger, I don't know. I would probably keep the child because I have a wonderful family who would help me.
  • That situation has already happened to me. I was 19. We kept him and today he is a beautiful and loving 14 year old and big brother to 2 siblings.
  • I honestly have no idea. The thing is, if I were to become pregnant like that, I have a pretty good idea how it would be, and by whom. ANd it's not good. Thankfully I have yet to be put in this situation, but I have been kept up many nights by it. I really, honestly think I'd have to abort it. I really do not like the idea of having to go through that, but I couldn't live with the child, and the quality of life for that child would probably be immensly poor if it even survived.
  • Well, when I DID get pregnany before I was ready, I just got ready. I studied my arse off and graduated on time with my class. I got a full time job and applied for state assiatance to help with childcare costs. Soon after, I started my own daycare so I could stay home and get off assistance. It was tough and I considered adoption many times throughout my pregnancy, but by the time she was born, I just couldn't do it. I just couldn't. Today she is 12 and I wouldn't give up a moment of being her mommy.
  • A child is not a choice. However, it is a choice for someone to have sex. To prevent unwanted pregnancy, I wouldn't expose myself to activities that would enable that.
  • in a time that i wasn't in a committed relationship, i would most likely consider adoption as the last resort. it depends upon the pressure from my parents and how likely it would be that they wouldn't be supportive. i wouldn't be able to do it on my own if they weren't there for me. at the moment, if it were to happen, i would definitely keep the baby since i'm engaged and we're planning on having kids right after marriage anyway. of course, we would love to be able to plan on getting pregnant, but i would imagine that we would gladly accept it happening whenever it's supposed to.
  • I would talk to my parents and my friends and the father and try to establish if it was merely the case that i don't feel ready and that there's things i'd rather do than have a baby right now, or the practical and financial reasons for not being ready. A year ago, I would have had an abortion. I wouldn't have been able to finish my degree and had too much debt to be able to pay it off working part time. If I got pregnant now, I could still graduate, which would affect how i thought about it, but to be honest, i'm not sure. i can't imagine myself ever being ready for or actively wanting children, envisioning myself pregnant just seems like an accident.
  • If I were a lady, My first thought is have the baby. Don't really believe in abortion. Hope that the fling with George Clooney would turn into a more meaningful relationship and we could be a family. If I was really young, to become a responsible mother and not drop the youngin off to Moms house so I could go clubbing with my friends. The fact that I'm still young and missing out on this part of my life does'nt apply anymore. I will grow up and be the best mother I could.
  • OK. Number 1: be very, very, very surprised, and slightly annoyed at my doctor. Number 2: I suspect, as I don't want, and never have wanted, children, but am incredibly uncomfortable with the idea of abortion, I'd give the baby up for adoption to a couple who weren't able to have children of their own. They'd probably bring it up better than I ever could.
  • Have the child and decide if I could keep it or if I couldn't then I would place it up for adoption. As fishnets said "A child is not a choice, but sex is."
  • If I got pregnant before I ws ready, it would mean that I had sex before I was ready. It was MY choice so my baby would not pay for it. I would do everything I could to get ready.
  • I would not wan't the child as I never want children. So, (and I know there are a lot of people that would dissagree with me) I would have an abortion because there are already enough unwanted children in this world without me adding to it.
  • my last pregnancy waz amisscarriage, i would keep it. cus if this is how i feel after lossing abay be accident how the hell would i deal with my self knowing that i intentionaly killed my baby? so i would keep it no matter what i would have to face.
  • I would keep it beause(bc im pregnant) in my case my ex broke up with me and wants to take my baby but i would have it and raise it. But sad thing is that my child is at a high risk of a miscarriage. I want to have it bc like one person here said, i know i have good parents who will be there for me and my baby
  • I do not believe people should have a choice to keep the baby or get an abortion. They made the choice to have sex and should therefore be ready to accept any consequences that come of it. If you are not ready to have a child you should not be having sex. As Valparaiso commented, the only choice you shold have is the choice to keep your pants up.
  • I would tell my other that she better marry me and find a good job!
  • I have a hard time folling along, just kidding, just a guy
  • I can't wait to have kids! I would definitely raise the baby. It would be hard financially but it would be a blessing, too! One of those blessings in disguise, I guess. Even if it wasn't planned, I can't imagine not being excited about bringing a son or daughter into the world!
  • I would keep the kid. yes I know I wouuldn't be ready but if a child of mine was coming into this world I would do anything in my power to get ready. I would go out and either get a full time job or a another job. Depending on if I was still with the mother or not. It would make it easier to be with her but if not I would always have my friends and family to help out and they would do a lot in there power as so would I for anyone else.
  • I would give the child the best life ever.
  • id have an abortion
  • I would have the kid (but i dont see why i would be pregnant, im only 14) and hopefuly my mom would act as the mom to the child.
  • Have an abortion without hesitation and not feel guilty in any way.
  • I would be joyful! I would drag out all the baby things I saved from my first child, shine them up, shine the crib and changing table up. Relocate my office to the bedroom and pull together a lovely baby's room. My boyfriend would also be happy, I think. I would get ready, in other words. Nobody of childbearing age should be unprepared for pregnancy if they have regular sex. It can happen even when you think it can't. Always keep this in mind and act accordingly by discussing it with your partner ahead of time. This can prevent misunderstandings. If you cannot agree on a course of action then you should not be having sex together.
  • i think i would convince myself to have it
  • anything but an abortion!
  • I'd have an abortion. Bringing a child into this world, for me, would have negative effects on my own mental health, as I am bipolar. It has taken me five years to become stable; I would hate to think how long it would take following the hormonal changes of pregnancy. As there is also a high chance the child could also inherit cancer genes and bipolar disorder, I do not think it would be fair on the child either, even if I did adopt the child out. If I was going to have a child at all, I would adopt, but I think it's unlikely at this point in time that I would be able to handle raising a child, even with the help of my partner and family. I'm not sure if I ever will be able to. For those who say, 'you shouldn't be having sex if you don't want to get pregnant', I'd ask them if they would deny themselves a lifetime of sex because they don't want to pass on serious hereditory diseases or mess up their own brain chemistry.
  • I would keep the baby and bring it up. Every child is a blessing.
  • oh leave it out. First, it's not a baby in the beginning and equally as importantly why should I feel guilty? I would feel guilty and be responsible for having a child that was wanted. What about financial status - not good to selfish have a child when you know you cannot provide for it. A child needs two parents ideally - not just a mother or father (and yes, sometimes it can't be helped) however if it can, it should. If you choose to have a child you have a responsibilty to give that child the best possible start in life - that means, a stable and loving and established relationship with your partner, financial security (because money causes more break-ups than anything else) and you MUST want the child and have given given your decision all required consideration ss regards how to raise it, pay for it, discipline and beliefs to be taught, how you both will actually care for it, who earns the cash, who doesn't, do you both go back to work. Are you mature enough to cope with the emotional side of things or are you a bit too young? Do you have a clear idea of parenting styles and boundaries that you and your partner agree upon. Do you have a home together? Where will you live? If you don't want the child then you will at some point feel resentful and guess who will pay the price? Oh yeah, the kid. Nice. If you don't consider all that needs to considered and have nn unwanted kid, then it's time to feel guility - not when you choose not to because of the detrimental effect on the childs future life (that the childs life BTW, not your own). Why should I hesitate to not inflict a crappy poor start in life on a child - why should I feel guilty when I choose not to. There's sod all wrong with saying ' I do not want this baby, it was a mistake and my own fault that I fell pregnant therefore I need to put this right without any hesitation before I inflict my error on another person'. YOu need to live in the real world I think.
  • its really amazing how people mind works when it comes to a question like this, seems like "simple math" to have a solution.. well to be honest if this happens for real i dont know what will be my reaction but as for intial well obviously shock and will get confuse.. i have met some people who has the same reaction as what other answered here but they did the very opposite of it.. oh well.. lets just see when it comes but i hope pregnancy of me won't come when i am not still ready.. else i have something to put in here again.. :P
  • Been there done that. I have 2 lil boys, I'm 20 years old and I am with an abusive guy with no where left to go. The End.
  • I did and I kept him he is now 14 with a 13 year old sister and a 10 year old brother all from the same Father and we are happily married and doing well.
  • If I were attacked or there was a serious medical problem in which someone would die, I would have an abortion. Otherwise, I will give you my usual response: I would keep MY baby and MY pride, and not let anyone tell me how to live my life. Sometimes life happens out of order.
  • stop drinking,stop smoking.
  • i did have a baby before i was ready... i got pregnant my senior year in highschool. most people wanted me to get an abortion, including my boyfriend. there was no way anyone was going to convince me to get rid of my baby. im totally prochoice when it comes to abortion, but there is no way id be able to live with MYSELF. now... im 19 have a beautiful 8 month old baby boy and my boyfriend and i are engaged and living in a nice condo. things always work out someway or another, however i did have tremendous suport from both sides of teh fam once they understood it was my decision and they couldn't do a damn thing about that.
  • weigh my options... If one trully trully doesn't think they are ready then they should ask themself THEIR view on abortion or adoption... and take the next step.
  • Without a second thought, I would go downtown for a nice uterus scrambbling. Maybe go shopping for an egg beater.
  • Suck it up, deal with it like the woman that I am, and get ready to be a mother.
  • It depends how not ready you are. And if you could consider having a child. The best would be you could talk about it with the father and he could support you. Sometimes we are not ready for some events in our life but they can help us grow. You could envisage abortion. You would have to inform yourself as soon as possible to ponder the possibilities and the chances. Because if you wait to long, Abortion can be a big problem. Abortion cannot be used as a normal contraception method, I think. It is something to use as the last possibility, and it would be better not to have to do it again.
  • keep the baby, hands down. it's happened to me.. i got pregnant with my daughter 9 months after my son was born, and i in no way thought i was ready for another baby. but i know God does everything in HIS timing, and not mine... and we couldn't be more thankful for our soon-to-be 1 year old little girl! she's beautiful!
  • Depending on the circumstances, I would either abort or bear the child and give up for adoption - I like the idea of anonymously leaving the child at the fire dept/ hospital - because I would never wish to be "found" later.
  • Well if it belonged to the dude I was with, I would have it and deal with it. If I was raped, not sure, I still think I would never get an abortion. I'm only 17, but I think I won't change my mind 20 years down the road. My fellow classmate actually just had a baby about a month ago, a lot of teenage pregnancies around my home town....
  • I would call the National Enquirer and get a big fat paycheck for my page 1 story, "AREA MAN HAS CHILD." In all seriousness I would put the child up for adoption. My mother spent years waiting for a baby and was on top of the adoption list when she finally got pregnant in her early thirties. I would love to make someone like her happy. On a related note I am a big fan of safe abandonment laws that let crisis parents give their newborn children to the fire department.
  • Get ready in the months you have till its born or speak with an adoption counselor to place the baby with a loving family praying for a child
  • I had an abortion (a few actually) and had no regrets. To me, it is just another living organism in MY body and until it comes out living and breathing on its own, then the decision is mine. When I finally decided to have one, I had the perfect child (ha! ha!). Seriously, he is the most awesome kid and at age 16 it's hard for any parent to say that. But IMHO it's important to wait until you're ready. Parenthood is not for everyone and sex is. I made mistakes in being more cautious and preventative of pregnancy, but at least I had a choice of how to deal with those mistakes and I made the right ones.
  • If i wasnt ready and in my mind,i felt strongly that i wasnt ready,and knew deep down i would regret having a child at this time,id have a termination. At the end of the day its down to the individual,either way what you deside your have to live with it.
  • Depends on how "not ready" I am. I do want to have kids someday in the future, obviously ideally when I'm financially stable and am with somebody I'm married to or will be married to. If I got pregnant before I had settled on a career, for example, then I would probably have the kid and give him/her up for adoption, as I feel I would be an unfit parent. If I got pregnant say, after I graduated from graduate school, then I would make a decision with my SO, but would keep him or her. Abortion has crossed my mind, but I don't think I'd be able to go through with it.
  • Haha, well, first, I wonder how in the hell it happened since I am still a virgin...but hey, give until the end of next week and I won't be. :D I've got plans. Anyways...if I was preggers, I'd get an abortion. I'd probably run to the nearest pharmacy for the morning after pill (which actually works up to a week after you have intercourse to prevent pregnancy) sooo yeah. I wouldn't carry it. I can't. I'm not ready for a kid. Hell, I am just about to start college.
  • I can't bear children!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Well if I got my girlfriend pregnant. I would accept the consequences of my actions and raise my child the best I can. I am 21 right now and in college. If I were younger I probably would had the child put up for adoption. - Good thing I don't ever have to worry about either of these things. Its simple no sex before marriage and that is when you are ready to have children then.
  • I don't want to get pregnant until I'm at least 25, or until I've been in a happy marriage for at least two or three years, whichever comes first. I see both of those goals as stable, but right now, I do not qualify as a fit parent, emotionally or financially. If I were to get pregnant within the next year... I would never show my face at high school again for as long as I was carrying that baby, and would earn my diploma online. I'd either get my impregnator to marry me or to give me a big, fat child support check every month until that baby's 18. I'd go garage-saling for baby stuff, ask for some of my sisters' hand-me-downs (one has a baby and is trying for another, and the other is pregnant right now...oy vey) Get my arse out there and work full-time. It'd be the hardest thing I'd ever do in my life to carry this child and have it at such a young age, and I would hate myself forever for ruining my life's potential, but I would love my baby just the same. Until then....abstinence, abstinence, abstinence, for me. And when I finally do give into the pressure of the heat of the moment? Pill, condom, test, pill, condom, test, pill, condom, test...........
  • you shouldn't of had sex in the first sorry but its true.your fault.(unless you were drunk then it's his fault)
  • Wow. what would I have done vs what would I do now. I am setting myself up fro trolls. Myparents had high expectations and were in the paper often. I would have, withouttheir support (trust me , this would kill them if I did it) had a abortion (Lord forgive me if I had). I would do it, b/c I was not ready... not even ready enough to be a good enough mom to take care of un born babes. Now, different story. Ready and willing to have more. Bring 'em on!
  • I'm a guy so I'd be freaking out!
  • I would be very surpriced cause it would be a true gift from God cause I had my tubes tied 26 years ago and my husband had a vasesextamy 49 years ago.
  • I would be asking god why, concidering i haven't lost my virginity to anybody yet.
  • shocked, I have 3 girls, 15,16 and 18 dont want to relive the diaper years
  • I think i would freak out cause it wasn't planed.
  • I'd be in shock. I haven't done anything that would make you pregnant since Jay died and my tubes are tied. Iwould definitl ybe calling the Pope and telling him "Jesus has got to run for his money now. A Pagan just got pregnant by emaculate conception."
  • I'd be unpleasantly surprised. Pretty upset. And then I'd figure out how to deal with it... since I'm not exactly ready to have kids yet. At least I have a partner who I plan on spending the rest of my life with, and although we don't plan on starting a family quite yet, we wouldn't be completely screwed if it happened now.
  • I would faint fall in the floor and flop like a fish and scream"I CAN'T BE PREGNANT I'M ONLY 13!!!!!''.
  • well if I found out I was 5 months pregnant, I would be like yelling I have a little Jimmy! How-ever, it is the only way I would be excited I was pregnant. I have no intentions of ever getting pregnant.
  • I would cry. I got my tubes tied 2 and half years ago. After I gave birth to 2 kids in the same year. My son was born January 1st 2004 and my youngest daughter was born December 31st 2004. However, It would be my luck.... The Doc told me there is a 1 in 300 chance that I could get pregnant after the tubal
  • Id be freaking out since i am a guy and all! but then i would stop and think and write a book about my experience of being a male 16 year old whos pregnant
  • After the intial shock, I think I would actually be excited. My two are now teenagers and I do miss the adolescent years. I miss simple walks pushing a stroller, giving baths in the kitchen sink, quiet times rocking my babies, the wonderment of their discoveries, and well ..........just the whole experience. Yes, I would do it again in a heartbeat. I also think I would be an even better mother now. Unfortunately, that's not possible for me anymore.......
  • Faint , there is no way I could
  • Fucking amazed. How would/could my wife knock ME up?
  • i'd keep it. i am 33 and going through a divorce from someone not able to have children. i want to experience pregnancy at least 1 x in my life.
  • I'm a man. I guess I'd try to help the girl (if we weren't married and adults) probably marry her. (That's what I did!) Don't abort
  • I've been with my boyfriend for five years, we haven't had sex yet, but we will after I go on the pill. We've talked this over a few times and even though we are both still in college, we decided that we would get married (since we're planning on that anyways, it would just be fast forwarding a little bit . . . ) and have the baby. He would take classes during the day or night and I would take classes when he was not in class. He work during the week and I'd work weekends. It would be really hard, but well worth not putting our baby up for adoption.
  • My papa better not preach I'm tellin' you! My baby will be a keeper no matter what! (unless the gal doesn't agree then we'll talk)
  • "But I made up my mind, I'm keepin' my baby" -Madonna
  • Being a gay man, I'd call Ripley's. :) If I was an unmarried girl, I would have used contraception in the first place! If I did not, or the contraception failed, I would get an abortion as soon as possible. If for some reason too much time had passed, then I would put it up for adoption.
  • I'd get ready. I can't imagine getting rid of something that is half me. That would mean quitting school, moving home, NEVER having money... whatever. I'd be sad, for sure, but I doubt I'd stay that way. Family would be VERY upset, but they'd deal.
  • I would probably give the baby up for adoption. I would love to be a mom but I'm not at a place in my life where I could support a child and I am not with a man at this point. I'm pro-choice but could never have an abortion myself, especially knowing people who are adopted.
  • well lets start from the positive test:i'd take a picture just in case my bf wanted proof. i'd take another test just to make sure i'd pass out. and when i regained conciousness(sp?)i would tell my bf as soon as possible. and then not know what to do from there, because i'd be afriad of my family freaking out, they're really old fashioned. and i'd keep the child because there's always a way to take care of the kid and give them what they need.
  • I was pregnant before I was ready and I got myself ready.
  • First off I'm and MD and delivered over a thousand babies. I'm also prochoice. However I would keep the child or give it up for adoption. Interestingly enough, I only had a few women give their babies up for adoption and a female partner who did more deliveries said the same thing. Plus you have to nurture and encourage them to keep the decision to adopt firm. It is very very very hard to carry a child to term and give it up. I am so encouraged by the movie Juno that gives a role model to women who are considering adoption.
  • I would keep the baby
  • accept the challenge and get ready for the little wonder
  • Sorry, guys, I just looked at my answer here and I had to get rid of it.
  • gonna get downrated for this for sure, but oh well. i would have an abortion. the reasons why? i do not want to have a child before i: - get my eating disorder under control - stop abusing medication - stop binge drinking - can manage my depression/mania adequately. if i get pregnant right now, i can almost guarantee that the child is either going to a) be miscarried anyway, or b) will be born with serious problems stemming from my poor nutrition and substance abuse. say what you want, but i'm not taking that risk. luckily, i have pretty much zero sex drive, and the odd time my boyfriend (he's a VERY patient man) and i do get intimate, there is extreme caution involved, so it likely won't be a problem.
  • Tell m husband and parents. I'm now a mother with two bodies. This baby is mine and I should be responsible for him. Having a child is a blessing, think of those who are eager to have one but they can't. Start to be thrifty and co-operate with my husband to prepare for the pending delivery. Yes, this is what I think.
  • I'd keep it. Probably attempt to carry on with school. find a job to help pay for it. quit all the after school activities I do. I'd get my families support and see if they will help with money. and I'd see if my partner could help out because he's out of school with money and hopefully get support from his family. it would be a huge sacrifice, not just for me, but for him and my family and his family.
  • I would take it within both hands and grab the oppurtunity. I had a termination when i was younger and even though it was actually the right thing to do for me at the time, I still feel the loss in my heart. Also when are you actually ready? When you own a big house in the country and drive a big car? I think as long as you have support and you are mentally strong enough, you can succeed:)
  • I would take it within both hands and grab the oppurtunity. I had a termination when i was younger and even though it was actually the right thing to do for me at the time, I still feel the loss in my heart. Also when are you actually ready? When you own a big house in the country and drive a big car? I think as long as you have support and you are mentally strong enough, you can succeed:)
  • depends on my situation at the time.....but I would abort if things weren't right at the time.
  • i would have the baby and keep it, because if i was old enough and ready to have sex i should be ready enough to take care of my baby and be responsible for my actions
  • keep it, abortion is wrong
  • I would get my ass into gear, and grow up to take care of it, unless it happened because I got raped. Then Hello abortion
  • I actually did get pregnant before I was ready. I had my daughter when I was 16 years old. What I did was went out, got a job and took care of me and my daughter. You just have to take care of your responsibilities. I went and got pregnant, and I owned up to that. Luckily for me, I had some family help me out while I worked. Now, I am married to a wonderful guy, and I have 2 beautiful children. Things are tough at the begining, but they always work themselves out. Good Luck sweetie, you will get through it!!
  • i'm 15 and I am. Preferably, i would love to keep the baby. However, i know i can't go through 9 months and drop out of school and everything. Unfortunetly, abortion is my only option, and making that decision has been the hard one of my life. I admire all the teens out there who have gotten pregnant and kept the baby.
  • Depends. Age is a factor, why you're not ready is a factor. If it would affect your life that badly at this time, get an abortion. If it's for stupid reasons such as "this isnt a good month, maybe a little later on" then you should have thought about that before having unprotected sex, or any sex at all.

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