• Performance and looks Oh and comfort
  • #1 safety some other factors after: consumer reports looks features
  • make, model, and reliablity
  • That you have a million dollars. Honestly if you want my opinion don't buy a NEW car unless you are a millionare. A new car loses 60% of its value over a 2 year period. If you buy a $30,000 car in two years its worth $12,000. You are losing $18,000 in two years on that car. However if you buy a 2 year old used car someone else takes that 18,000 hit and you get a car that will last you a long time for 40% of the price of new. (Dave Ramsey is a millionare who doesn't buy new cars) Sam Walton drove around in a beat up old Ford until he died.
  • That it has to be a Smart
  • That it be USED! Low miles, the normal expected life use potential. That it be cost effective to operate, fuel efficient, easy to maintain. Low to no pollution emissions! The next vehicle we buy will also need to be strong enough to tow a double horse that's something to also much fuel efficiency will I have to give up to meet THIS GOAL?
  • I look for safety, features, price, color, interior room and if it's good on gas.
  • price, color, features, and most of all, whether or not it's a gas guzzler
  • If we assume for a moment that I were dumb enough to buy a new car, there are so many factors that I consider that narrowing it down to five is tricky. I think the most important single factor is the history of the brands in question. For instance, Ford and GM have such high legacy costs that they are doing what they can to reduce their costs in order to have a shot at remaining comparably priced to their foreign competition. Personal experience tells me that the first thing to suffer when times get tough is QA. Therefore, the quality is inherently questionable. Others skimp on features, but I usually don't mind so much there. For instance, power steering isn't an absolute necessity for most cars, though it is for anything over about 2750 pounds; I've had three cars that lacked it.
  • Researching and knowing the car salesperson you will be buying your car, truck or SUV from. Let's face WILL ultimately have to deal with a car salesman (or salesperson) before it is all said and might as well know who you will be dealing with. Complete your research here
  • style, power, security and quality
  • I never buy new, that's the first rule for me. When buying a used car I look for low mileage, condition of interior and exterior, functionality of the cockpit and how it drives and rides.
  • Whether I fit behind the wheel. I'm 6'-9" tall. GOTTA have legroom AND headroom, and MUST be able to close the damn door without mashing my leg against the wheel.
  • I look for something I can afford, something that has good capacity for large things like our huge dog. It must be good in cold icy weather so a winter setup is a must. It has to get good gas mileage. And the seats have to be comfortable.
  • the most important factor for me when i buy a used car is first condition, and safety, i first check if the car has a accident history and i always get an advice from a professional mechanic if the car is in good condition

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