• Because some people, even within the same country, are just to hardheaded to sit down and agree on something. It's the same all around from the American Civil War to the recent one that started in Iraq. Too many people with different points of view and guns.
  • Maybe George Bush has something to do with it???
  • i think that the civil war happens because people want to fight for their freedom and do not want to be consiterat and share like good citizins should!
  • anbody who thinks war is civil has never been to one
  • Because Ironman's a futurist.
  • Civil war happens for one main reason, dissbelief in a society of the same people. Civil wars can last fro severl dozens of years, or just several months. A perfect example would the kush and shiats. They have been fighting ever since Alexander the great was in his diapers, but people only started noticing it bacause of soloman
  • Because both sides are too ignorant to sit down and compromise on controversial issues.
  • Because of all the migrants in England!
  • Because people disagree about internal policies within a nation and are unwilling or unable to find political compromise. Postitions harden, extremists commit acts of violence, and citizens take up arms against each other.
  • Simple, civil war happens When a part of a country tries to be independent.
  • Who knows, the US has never had a Civil War. We had the War for Southern Indendence, which some call "The Civil War". We could have a civil war. It would require two or more groups to fight over who controls the government, sort of like the Dems and Republicans on crack.

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