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  • it really depends on how long for because the longer the sex period the more likely the condom is to split so i would use 2 condoms if you are having sex for a long time just to be safe
  • I believe the failure rate of condoms are in the high 20's to 30's low percentile range. The failure rate of the pill is less than 10%. Lets flip that. You have about an 20% chance of the condom failing to do its job each time you use a condom. For pregnancy a condom with a spermicidal gets a bit higher since spermicidal fail around 25% of the time - an additional use of a spermicide with the same percentage decreases the potential pregnancy even more. Statistics being funny does not mean that the use of a condom with spermicide on it an with a spermicide would give you 130% prevention, its more around 98% percent. Ideally The Pill should be used along with a condom and with spermicide to reduce the change of pregnancy to a fraction of a percent. However all of those methods of birth control do fail once in a while. Side note: I assume you know that for each time per night you do have sex a new condom should be used. They are not reusable.
  • i would say everytime he has cum change the condom....also use other mesures of the pill
  • so if you use a spermicidal condom and he usually pulls out anyway can you still get pregnant?

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