• It is very easy... you will get the hang of it in one session...
  • I've been riding horses since i was about 10 years old. I originally learned English style from a stable owned by a Polish family here in Georgia. I learned from my aunt how to ride Western style when i was 16, and i really prefer English style. As for how long, i think its relatively easy...i was riding horses under supervision but on my own in about 5 months!
  • It does not take long to get the hang of it I say within an hour you will be totally relaxed. the thing is your riding an animal that your not use to and it has someone on its back it isn't use to you will sort of learn together.
  • If you get a good saddle horse it wont take long, and you wont get bucked off. To get the hang of it enough so that your moving with the horse, and no bouncing around on it can take a while longer. Saddle sore is real, and it hurts, so learn to roll with the horse instead of sitting rigid.
  • Depends on the horse the student and the teacher - in that order. Also, learning to ride a horse is like learning a language - you learn something new every day - forever! :)
  • It varies. Some people get it right away, some don't. I'm a natural: I can even ride horses that haven't been "broke" yet (or, "gentled").
  • Just take any beginner lessons and you will get the hang of it very quickly. You will be matched up with a very patient, gentle horse who will basically teach you. By the last class - often 6 weekly classes for beginners - you will have walked, trotted, and possibly cantered or loped briefly - an extremely slow gallop. Then take another class and you will start learning more about all the different fields and kinds of riding available to you, all the different kinds of horses. Eventually your heart will get set on something like showing, trail riding, endurance 1-2 week rides, jumping, or many other things. There is a new game called horse soccer that you play from horseback too. The ball is 50" around, a very very large ball that the horses kick around like soccer. It looks like it will become wildly popular and fun. No special skills needed, from beginner to very advanced riders are playing it.
  • Truthfully, about a year. to fully understand hoy the horse moves and how to get the foot positions right. it also depends on the horse and the dicipline your riding.
  • You can learn to stay on in a few lessons. It can take years to become proficient. It can take a lifetime to become a horseman. There is so much to learn about horses, that it can keep you challenged and learning all your life.

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