• No. We're all humans. It'd make no sense.
  • I believe America was blessed because it was a predominantly Christian nation. It may not be so much that he "blesses" a nation as he blesses his faithful in that nation which, in turn, causes the nation to be blessed.
  • i don't think God favors one nation over another. in my view we are equal. all will face Him on the Day of the Judgement. at that point it won't matter what profession we were or if we were rich or poor but it would be our deeds that will be questioned. and i think its the ppl of that nation that make it great. America is blessed because its ppl work hard for a living and there is a sense of loyalty to the country. this is seen in other countries as well but sometimes it is the leadership that ruins things for the nation. I believe God helps those that are sincere, honest and have good intentions for themselves and others.
  • Yes, he clearly hates Belgium and favours everywhere else in the world above it. He made every city in it really dull to visit, you can't spend more than 3 hours in that country without wanting to go somewhere else. The people are nice, I'm not sure why God hates them so much that he made them live there, but I suppose we are not meant to know his master plan. And if it wasn't bad enough, he made Brussels the home of the European Union headquarters too, just so the country would have even more dull bureaucrats whose idea of fun is putting on a bright-coloured cardigan. Let us all keep the people of Belgium in our prayers.

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