• France is not considered to be northern or southern as it is truly both; most people consider it instead to be a nation of western Europe.
  • The North of France and the South of France are quite different from each other. The North is more industrialized and the South is more laid back and relies on the tourist industry.
  • It seems that France has elements of both, as others have stated. The French have a Latin-based language, have historically been Catholic, and engage in a number of other traditions more characteristic of southern Europe (i.e. preference of wine, more relaxed, etc.), while at the same time are more industrialized, wealthier, and perhaps more akin (on average) to Brits or Germans in terms of ancestry (although many southern French are indeed more Mediterranean-looking). So really the French have elements of both. Honestly I think that overall, the other European region that is most similar to France would have to be northern Italy as both are culturally more Latin, but at the same time, more industrialized/wealthier and with the same mixture of Celtic/Roman/Germanic ancestry.
  • Both! And this is the France strenght. France is more industrialised than south (Italy, Spain)and have an access to one ocean and two sea (just for the european part of France). A larger variety of climate than north make it the second agricultural world power, even if the french territory is relatively small. In history, France was the crossroad of Europe (cf foire de Champagne). It makes some "régions" extremely rich (again, Champagne). Today, it allow very different kind of tourism : sport on Alps, gastronomic everywhere, champètre in the north-east, swimwear on the south, etc etc.
  • Depends on the region. It's about half and half.
  • It's either one depending on what part of France you're talking about. Paris is in Northern Europe, and Marseilles is in Southern Europe. It's all Western Europe though, so let's just go with that.
  • It's in Western Europe.
  • Both... but it would not be described as either - it would be described as Western.
  • Hmmmm, if I had to pick one or the other I'd say Southern Europe. This is because of the Riviera & large Basque population / region. Additionally the French temperament seems to be more in line with the Spanish & Italian rather that the British & German.

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