• Yes it is
  • Yes it must be. Everyones reality is different, but we all share a common one too. The fact that we are all more or less in charge of our own destiny
  • I think it is possibly an unshared illusion. Many times when viewing something with other people,each of them has a different perspective within themselves,to what they are seeing.When things are explained, each person understands what was said in their own way,based on past experience. When we think a person views us in a particular way,most of the time we are wrong. To an extent we have a general shared illusion,but for the most, the illusion is of our own making.
  • Reality is not a shared illusion -- but our interpretation of it is. We humans have certain common cognitive abilities which determine the way in which we construct our interpretation of what's real. Specifically, we always "package" reality up into concepts -- we take the seamless whole of our experience and slice it up into pieces, label the pieces, and form mental models which call out the relationships between the pieces, their attributes, etc. This conceptual construction is a universal characteristic of human cognition. However, individual cultures, groups, and people do cook up many variations on the *details* of the resulting models of reality. There are a lot of common features in these models as well. The reason I say "our interpretation of it is an illusion" is that we take our models too seriously -- because our conceptual models are useful and stable, we tend to promote them to a level of "truth" which they don't merit. They're just convenient ways of packaging reality for practical purposes, they're not true in an absolute sense. The cure for this is to become aware of it in our own lives -- when you can see your own mind forming concepts and clinging to them, the temptation to get attached to such things diminishes greatly.
  • "Reality is not a shared illusion -- but our interpretation of it is." ~ Stableboy I agree. We see what we want to see and we believe what we want to believe. And if we are smart we will learn to direct and focus our thoughts to help create a better reality for us all to share. We are co-creators of this reality.
  • Strictly speaking reality can't be a shared illusion by definition, but it is practically beyond any debate that, if the entire thing isn't either a shared or personal illusion, at least certain aspects of consensus reality are a shared illusion and other aspects are personal illusions. Chevalier Daniel C. Boyer
  • who said i was sharing?
  • You're on a sunny beach. A pretty girl walks past, you ask her for a kiss. She says fuck you loser!!
  • The converse of Virtual Reality? +5
  • Theoretically it would entail everything that exists.
  • no i am a reflection of the woman i was in another life :P +5
  • *looks down* Yeah, I'm still here.
  • If computers took over the world we would have millions of copies of our brains playing in the machines, kind of like "The Matrix." The odds that you are the actual original are about a million to one against. Have a nice day, The Evil Computer.
  • If it is an illusion, we wouldn't know. So the question is kinda pointless...
  • no you are an illusion in this real world
  • It's the real world of illusion!
  • I am real, but I am not so sure of all of these sock puppets around here!

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