Somewhere out there, a light bulb just went on for a group of dogs...............
Oh Karen... you are such a welcomed addition to my friends list. I would eat Gravy Train Human Food if it made my coat shiny and give my tail an extra wag.
Sounds a lot like Ramen Noodles!
Isn't that Hamburger, Tuna, and (don't they also have) Chicken Helper and their copiers? ;-)
I believe that's called "Cup O' Noodles."
>>a dried people food Have you tried Soylent Green? I haven't tasted it but it's popular in some circles.
I just bought my dog some Gravy Train because I was trying to cut corners a little. She looked at it, smelled it, and looked at me like "do you really expect me to eat this?". She flat out refused, but after a while when she got hungry she ate it all. I suppose it they made a forumlation for people like Gravy Train, people would only eat it if they were reeeeeally hungry, LOL!
i would just like to see that wagon train roll through!! LOL!! my puppies would go nuts! ;D
It is called MRE's and all you have to do is add water. Get them at the sportman store.
Campbell soups can be somewhat like what you're describing. Open can add hot water "Presto" beefy soup! Or possibly instant oatmeal, but no beef.
There are such foods. The military calls them "meals ready to eat". You just add some hot water and they "materialize" in their packages. You will see commercial versions of them soon, I am sure.
Have you heard of cup-a-soup, cup-a-noodles, instant oatmeal ...and the list goes on.
I do remember Gravy Train dog food & think it's still out there. What you are talking about for humans sounds really convenient & fast. I would probably like it if it tasted good. It sounds like a good idea.
MRE's with instant gravy mix?
Carnation instant breakfast or MRE (Meal Ready to Eat) or in this case drink. 😄
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