My ex husbands!!! +5
It's very interesting that this question should come up right now. I have a very good friend of 3 years who, I am starting to realize, only talks to people when she needs something from them. Two days ago, I was feeling depressed and insecure, and when I tried to explain this to her she essentially told me to get over it and then proclaimed she was "irritated" with me and couldn't talk to me for the rest of the day. Prior to this incident, I had listened to her every problem and offered advice and an open mind. I have always been compassionate with her, and patient when she doesn't take my advice or when she says the same things over and over again. This morning, she messaged me, saying that she had a fight with a friend and that she needed to talk to me, and THEN asked how I was doing. I have yet to respond because I refuse to be used as a therapist and not treated like a friend.
well, actually, no one's.. would you like some cake?? ;)
One I can't mention, as they are an ABer. As for everybody else, if you don't want shit, then don't start any! Other than that, I'm good to go :D:D:D
my cable and internet co., terrible service
Well I say "Ditto" to phillis's answer!!! To the letter. . Drinks anyone?
Winston Churchill said "Improper grammar is something up with which I will not put" -- but ever since then we have
People with bad grammar in questions. :o) Whose - any more
The girl he cheated with. Hopefully it stays that way.
The so called friends who deceived me and my friend. They wore masks when they were with us and we could not see through their disguise, pretence and insincerity.
Oh, I don't know for sure. I is getting for difficult each day to distinquish BS from truth. It just takes a lot more work. Offhand, I'd say that I am just not going to listen about hate groups anymore and TV or anyplace else. I'm tired of it. Also, on the news, I think it's getting harder to tell the truth from falsities.
The people I manage at work...They know how to do their jobs the right way..I don't get why they won't..
Mine, I'm just not prepared to put up with my nonsense anymore!
• My former boss and his favorite little weasel. • Anyone from my former church
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