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  • It could most likely be an infection. nothing serious just a yeast infection. i would suggest you go to the doctors so that they can prescribe a cream for you. if i had the name i would've given it to you but i forgot. dont worry, this goes aways. this infection can happen for many reasons such as eating too much bread, too much sugar, wearing thongs and tight pants. leaving wet clothse on, douching etc. i would suggest that you do not have sex for it can be spread. do not scratch beacuse if you do and you touch another part of your body, it would spread as well. go to the doctor as soon as possible beacsue it can get worst...they can provide you with cream and antibiotics to prevent it from coming back. Good luck, let me know how it went.
  • Herpes.
  • Here is a picture of a candidiasis infection on the skin between the fingers and a picture of a herpes lesion for comparison. It's possible that the sores on her vagina lips are herpes sores. It's also possible that they are just common boils that will require no treatment or simply ingrown hairs.
  • TAKE A LOOK MS. RAINASKY AND EVERYBODY...the boild might not be big, but there are there... nasty i know, but someone is on my ass telling me yeast infection doesnt cause boils. and for the record, i had a yeast infection and so have my sister, so i know for a fact that boild are formed during a yeast infection
  • Here is a small boil. Notice how this looks much more similar to the herpes lesion as compared to the candida rash.
  • All in all, everyone has an opinion, if you may not like an answer you get, then don't ask. It is not fair when someone gives a suggestion to rag them out, because they may not know what they're talking about, or what they said wasn't right, at least they took the time to give you something to look into, and yes, herpes does cause boils om the vagina and near the anus. The gland that produces moisture for a woman can also get clogged and look like a boil or a cyst and is very painful. So without knowing all the symptoms, fever, discharge, ect., then there are several things it could have been...

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