• I didn't know they have another name for full house, considering that is why they call it a full house. But for fun. I would say if you have 3 Queens and 2 tens; 3 Queens over Tens, Full house.
  • A full boat
  • Usually when you get the full house it is referred to like this...If you have three Kings and 2 fours they would call it a full house, Kings full of fours. :-)
  • Never heard the term 'full boat' before, just boat. So yeah a boat, or x's full (you don't normally mention the pair, so for example if you had 99966 you'd say nines full instead of nines full of sixes. Very rarely will a hand be decided on the pair, unless you have something like 92 on a board of 99Q66, and someone has 9Q. In which case you'd have nines full of sixes and they'd have nines full of queens). Not 100% sure why a FH is called a boat; best theory I can come up with is that if you place the pair of cards over the middle three-of-a-kind cards in a 2-D pattern, it kinda looks like a simplistic diagram of a boat.
  • The Boat....for added effect, say "The Boat Bitches!"

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