• Condo, Coop and Hoa's fees are based on the expenses of the community as well as the reserve funds. Yes they will go up as the cost for electricty, fuel, landscape care, parking lot sealing and restriping, painting, pool care etc..... goes up also your reserve funds are going to increase slightly as the replacement value increases over the life cycle time frame
  • I know this is not an answer to the above question but if you are tired of the maintenance fees going up EVERY YEAR or are not using your timeshare. If you have tried to sell it you know that timeshares are not bringing any money so you might want to consider DONATING IT !! Me and my husband did this a couple of month ago, received a IRS tax credit and it was great. We donated it to a wildlife refuge and the company that processed the transfer was terrific. If you are interested you can check them out at - we are so happy that we did.

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