• It is my opinion that female cats are sweeter.
  • I have never met two cats with the same personality.Each cat has his own behavior pattern just like humans.Some males are timid,cuddley or silly and alot of females are aggressive and can be bullies.I have two males and two females and trust me,the two ladies aren't always sweeter
  • As mentioned above, their personalities vary but females usually have smaller paws.
  • My boy cat is definitely sweeter than my girls. You can handle him easier, he purrs way louder and is more likely to cuddle that my girlsI I never thought there was a difference, but now that I have both , I believe there is!!
  • If you believe function follows form, then yes but it might not be noticeable. The male cats are usually larger and therefore different forms. Form and function example is most famous basketball players are very tall. If one were short or handicapped, ones form would not allow you to become like them no matter how much you willing to give up.

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