• I was shot.
  • An operation
  • Bullet wound, knife, shapenel, burn, Gangbox lid, etc
  • 8 from operations and one from kicking a broken coke bottle out of anger years ago.
  • Throat surgery.
  • shaving.
  • Someone bit me.
  • It a very long and gory story but suffice it to say my Indian name is "Runs with scissors".
  • Which one?
  • Which one? The largest is from a cut from broken glass on my ankle. It wraps almost all the way around. Stupid accident. I was taking out the trash, there was a broken glass in the bag and it sliced my ankle open. It cut most of the way around because when it started to cut I spun around in shock.
  • Which one? The huge one on my chest and stomach is from stomach surgery.
  • Knife fight. I won.
  • ski pole to the forehead
  • A dog bit me.
  • Cut my hand on some glass when I was little.
  • I got ran over by a John Deere tractor about 20 years ago.
  • The long period of having my heart torn open.
  • Barbed wire fences and sticking-up nails in old fence posts buried in the grass. The hazards of growing up in the English countryside :P
  • Damn kid at Northeast Highschool stabbed me.
  • Left shoulder-reconstructive surgery, shattered it Right bicept-legacy of a mispent youth Chest and stomache-gall bladder and liver surgery Right knee-lost an argument with a chainsaw
  • 2 scars on my knees, fell and slammed my knees on a slide door rail >.> they're almost invisible now though :D
  • I was trying to spray paint the dog, and I fell. True story.
  • lets see... i have 3 on my face, on between my eyes, one beside my left eyebrow and one on the very tip of my chin from chicken pox, i have one on my right pointer finger knuckle from burning it on hot light bulb, too many to count on my knees and the tops of my feet from falling. i fall ALL the time. none of them are very prominent so they arent that big of a deal. :)
  • Well, these marks on my arms are all from running through thorns while playing capture the flag. These scars on my knees are from falling and sliding on the basketball court. And this one one my finger is from when the refrigerator attacked me.
  • I fell out of a loft and tore part of my back open on what I think was the ladder. You want to talk about a shitty way to wake up?
  • It took me most of one winter to build the tobaggan and we tried out the homemade sled one day. My self, my wife and my two boys attempted our first run downhill without considering the very large evergreen tree at the bottom of the hill. I mean, we are supposed to be able to turn a tobaggan, aren't we? Well it was impossible to steer the damn thing and as we got closer to that large tree I reached out to a stump sitting a little bit out of the snow and tried to grab onto it and received a very serious laceration on the inside of my upper arm as I was dragged off of the sled and now impaled to that stump....still have the scar to back up the story. And the sled was totaled when it hit the tree!
  • which one? i have like 500 if not more.
  • Which one?
  • The ones on my knees are from falling off trees and skateboarding with my brother. The one on my arm is from getting stuck on a chain link fence and the one on my chest is from a match head that fell in my shirt... haha
  • 2 on my arm from having all the top layers of skin burnt off, then it grew back a bit bad under the bandage, but they have pretty much gone now. I also have my secret scar from when I had a cyst remooved, and thats on the bag that I keep my 2 favourite nuts in, if you get me.
  • Which one???
  • i have a scar on my forearm from 4th of july like 8 years ago.... my brother and his dumb friends were taking the sticks off of bottle rockets and then throing them... well one of them shot straight at me and blew up on my arm... it was a pretty nasty burn... and now i am terrifed of fireworks... not like the big ones in the sky but when i see dumbasses lighting
  • dots on the back of my ear from chicken pox, huge one on my left arm from drunken stupidity(cutting the top off a vodka bottle). Inner thigh from a dog bite, left bicep from a lightbulb burn, index finger from vandalizing someones tires, right foot cigarette burn. Right wrist from being impaled on a fence, right middle finger another cigarette burn, right knee cap bike accident, right elbow same bike accident. right shoulder blade stab wound.
  • I used to self injure.It's been a year since I last cut.
  • Hmmmm The scar on my finger was when I tried to open a bag of M&Ms with a perry knife when I was six .... The scar on my abdomen is my hernia scar ... The one on my stomach is from the Gall Bladder .. The scar on my back shoulder is from a bullet ...
  • Left foot - age 10, getting caught in old barbed wire running between houses (which used to be farm land); Right wrist - age 22 - trying to catch a crystal vase as it slipped from hands while washing.
  • Anterior and posterior spinal fusion surgery, how'd you get yours? :-)
  • My scrotum got caught in the bicycle chain.
  • Tripped over a cord strung across a room, went face-first into a computer desk and broke my nose.
  • I had a wreck with the sharp corner of my dresser.
  • i have one on my left wrist that was from my dog, i was on my bike and my sister told me to hold his leash so she could tie her sneaker and he saw a cat and began to chase it and he drag me on the ground. i have one on the top of my left arm from a iron. I have 2 more on my left arm i was at work and i was taking a pan out of the oven and the pan stuck to my arm not once but twice they are about inch apart from each other. i have another scar on the bottom of my right arm from the fryalator basket I have one under my bottom lip, my tooth went through my lip i have another one on my right foot i got a chunk of glass stuck in it because when i was little i decided to take a tantrum and throw myself on the floor i have a scar on my right knee cap i decided to let my sister's friend push me down this little hill in a rollie chair and the chair wheel got stuck in a hole and i went flyin off of the chair and split my knee open i have one on my throat it is a little one this kid at the club burnt me with his cigarette and the last one i have is on the side of my face near my eye i don't know where that one came from i was born with it.
  • The washing basket had a crack in it and when I went to grab the dirty laundry out of it my hand slipped into the crack and sliced my hand open.
  • I was little and ran into the open toolbox connected to the side of my dads truck. its on my right cheek
  • wrong answer sorry
  • when i was young, i looked up to 'popular' girls in my school. a few of them shaved their arms (for some reason!!).. so i thought if i shaved my arms, i would be cool too. i did, and the razor was so sharp, it cut my arm. now i have a scar. when i see the scar every other day, i always remember that i shouldn't just follow the crowd.
  • Chicken pox gave me my scars on my forehead but I found out that the gel inside Natural Vitamin E pills can help diminish chicken pox scars in the course of a year. I am going to try that out by poking a hole with a tiny needle and squeezing the gel from the pills onto my chicken pox scars.
  • i have a few: My right knee: I fell down on a driveway when I was younger. My neck: Getting a mole removed. My left arm: Self harm. My left arm: Some kind of skin thing that went away. I don't know what they were- they were like, weird bump things. My right foot: Accidentally stabbing myself with scissors when I was nine. My right wrist: My sister biting me. My chet: My cat scratching me.

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