awwwww i wish..swings are the bomb! so fun...
Yes, and have one in the yard and an oak bench swing on the front porch!
no, but I have one when I walk now.... LOL
yes - it was tucked behind my dads shed - felt very private, loved it!
No real need, as I lived about two minutes from a park, and about a minute from a wood with tarzan swings put up.
Not a free-standing one, but we did have a rope swing with wooden seat tied to an old eucalyptus tree. Never try untying the ropes, sitting on the seat, and try carrying your own weight by holding the other end of the rope. Bruised tail-bone - had to crawl inside - literally. Couldnt walk for days.
Not at home, but down in the country that we went to every weekend
We had a swingset, I outgrew it too fast.
In my grandmother's garden :)
Yes, we had a swing set and also a plastic tire that hung from a tree branch.
No, but I wish I did.
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