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  • Congradulations on being creative kink. I suspect denistry is right for you. There must be some good dentist porn out their for you - perhaps that is the right field for you.
  • Don´t worry, i have a similar fetish, but in my case is for teeth. You should check out also: You will find thousands of pics of mouth, uvula, etc. Good Luck!
  • I think you may be a voraphile just type in vore and you'll find some sites with scene of this kind of stuff and more
  • try youtube, I think I saw some mouth stuff on there
  • Here's some web sights you can check out, Longtongued, Oral Assets 1,2,3,4, Uvula home, women with long sexy you'll find other links as you look through these sights. P.S. I have the same fetish and have at least 2 years worth of color and black and white print outs of womens tongues, throats, women showing their tonsils, women without tonsils, women showing their epiglottises, wide open throats, women with tongues so long Gene Simmons would be jealous. I have actually gotten to touch and feel the inside of amny womens mouths and throats, I've massaged alot of women's tongues, throat's tonsils and uvulas through the years.
  • Try
  • I have the same fetish and really, if you use your imagination and are resourceful, you'll find TONS of them on celeb sites, groups, Flickr, Webshots, other photo sites and Youtube as well. Never pay for something that's easy to find. Times are hard enough economically.....really! Good luck buddy. ( U )
  • You may want to check out my site- Feel free, also, to email me with requests or suggestions.

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