• No the w sound is pronounced veh. As in Vehitzman (Weitzman). (spelled phonetically)
  • it isn't quite as harsh as a 'v' sound, though. like in a word such as "hevel" or "hebel" it actually sounds like a very soft b. (hebel means futile, vain, just fyi.) so i guess in that case it almost sounds like a w.
  • Actually with the correct vowel combination you might find a very SIMILAR sound. For instance, Spanish does not use the W. They would spell "whiskey" as GUISQUI, and it would sound very similar. Also, Farsi uses a slightly modified Arabic alphabet (or "aleph-baa," which is itself VERY similar in structure to the Hebrew alef-beth), and, while Arabic DOES have the W sound that we recognize, represented by the letter "waw," Persians would call the same letter "vav" in the Farsi alefbeh. Despite the presence of such a letter, some vowel combinations like AA-oo, or oo-AA, have a very similar sound. . So I guess the answer is that even if they don't have a letter for that sound (and they don't), it is still possible to get that that SOUND, and that was, after all, the question.

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