• Only if I look in the mirror while tripping, which is a very bad thing to do.
  • no. i am normal size, and i have some skin blemishes, but that's normal. at my school thats pretty much how everybody is, except for the anorexic/bulimic people. the friends i have don't really care how i look, especially since they are mostly all guys. so no, i don't have thoughts that i am fat and ugly.
  • Not wierd thoughts - I just am lol
  • mi 5,11.and 200 pounds,but i dont think im ugly.lmao
  • Yes all of the time, I feel like I'm ugly all of the time and my weight lets not get into that one!
  • I never really feel fat, half my family is overweight and I'm 6'1" 185 lbs. But I feel ugly all the time. And I've seen very little to convince me that I am at least average looking.
  • well I'm told they're wierd and obserd, but I am absolutley 100% convinced that I am fat and extremley ugly. i can't wait until I'm older and can get lypo, gastric and a tummy tuck...
  • I don't really spare much thought for how I look. Most of my self-hating thoughts center more around words like 'Stupid.', 'Self-Centered.' and 'Immature.'
  • No, they aren't weird thoughts! Fat, yes. My doctor keeps telling me so. Ugly? Well, not so bad as to make people jump off a cliff in fear. And not so beautiful men fall at my feet. I feel ugly, but that is not what others always think-so I can be happy with that.
  • Fat? No, although I am scared of putting on weight Ugly? Yes, I have thoughts about this every day
  • when i look at these anorexic actresses and models i do sometimes think "boy am i fat" but ugly never....i'm too beautiful to ever think that. maybe i can think that im average but never ugly.
  • For me, that would be a big affirmative, especially when I have pms.
  • Just ordinary really but even at my size I sometimes think I am fatter than I want to be
  • Of course. All the time. But then sometimes i look at myself in a mirror and i feel great. I think it is normal to critisize yourself. Especially as a teenager.
  • I have been called fat and ugly, and though the first one is true to some extent (and trust me, I'm working on it!), I don't consider myself ugly. I won't say that I'm amazingly beautiful though, even though my boyfriend loves to argue with that!
  • Yeah, whats up with that?
  • Sometimes I feel a bit of both but that's like, always trying to be perfect.
  • No, I don't really bother myself with my physical apperance.
  • Yes i do...all the time actually...i'm 5'4" weigh 175...yea i'm fat...n yes i think i'm ugly even tho ppl tell me all the time that i'm really pertty i really don't think so. but its just my self confidence that is horrible.
  • Although I don't believe I'm the prettiest person in the world, I've never considered myself ugly. Thoughts like that only came when I was younger, and would have a breakout of pimples or something, and would not want to show my face! Then, I would have thoughts about me looking ugly. Fat, though. I am fat. Not in some body-dismorphic kind of way... I really am overweight. I am working on eating better, and adding a bit of exercise to my day in order to make myself get to a healthier weight. I've never been a stick-thin girl, but I see pictures of myself from a few years ago and I looked GOOD. I'm not so happy with my weight right now. So, I'd say I have thoughts that I am fat, but they are not "weird thoughts" because it happens to be true.
  • i will never be fat- but- I dont trust my own opinion on my looks most days.
  • if you are "fat" that means you like to eat and ugly is a personal opinion . if your over weight thats not fat and it doesnt always mean its cause of an eating disorder, so theirs my 5 lines of truth sorry if i offended any one.
  • Never fat. Even I can see how skinny I am, though I put on two pounds this week (can I get a woop?). 2 more and I'll be back to seven stone, then just two more stone and I will be a reasonable weight! Ugly... yes, I have been into this MANY times with people who try and give me their pity comments, but I don't want them. I live with me, I know what is in the mirror for Christ sake!
  • Who needs thoughts when I have a mirror!
  • I do have thoughts about it. Today I forgot my belt (which I never do) When I stand up my pants remain so there's no danger of tripping. Although I'm not fat I walk around obsessed that maybe I am. I dream about the days of my natural 6 pac and now I look at the love handles that's replaced it.
  • Yes, but I thought so even when I was little.
  • No where nearly as deeply or frequently as I did...ohhhhh about 32 years ago. I'm mostly pleased with myself, but not so egotistical as to believe that I am drop dead beautiful either...I could drop 30 pounds, but I carry it fairly well...always something eh?
  • Fat? naah. Ugly? I'm kinda not sure about that and yet I don't think I have the looks like my friends.
  •'s a major problem in my life.
  • Noup, not at all. I am happy with my body and I'm liked by people. I eat as much as i want and don't go over 190lbs. I'm not fat nor chubby, pretty fit.
  • they arent weird my face is hidious, my stomach is flabby and my thighhs r chubby. I have no idea y guys like me
  • They're not "weird" thoughts. It's actually pretty common, judging by all of the answers you've received. I used to have these thoughts- and on a bad day, they come back to haunt me- but for the most part, I've changed my attitude on how I perceive myself and it's done wonders for my mentality in regards to my physical being.
  • I'd rather be fat than ugly because I can lose the weight but no one can really do much about being ugly(outside or inside). Lots of 'skinny' ugly people walking around thinking they are beautiful but I guess when you have low self esteem you have to look to others who have whatever flaws you think they may have and feel good about your own. Everyone is beautiful I just wished they knew it in a 'healthy' way.
  • I know I'm not fat because i exercise and i weigh 50 kilos only. I'm 13. I sometims think i'm ugly but the other day a chick in my class said I was yummy, so I guess I can't think either now.
  • Yes, yes, yes. 24/7.
  • Yeah I do when I'm sad and mad.
  • I am beautiful. And an ANONY MOOSE! :p
  • Yep, all the time. Especially today. I'm overweight, but cant be bothered to exercise. I watch what I eat for about 2 days a week, then go back to my crap munching ways. Ugly? I have bad skin, but when I've got my face on, I scrub up ok. Only ok. Hmmm
  • i think everyone has once thought that they were either fat or ugly. its part of the growing up process. people tend to go through stages or times in their life when they arent the best looking person, but eventually they outgrow it. no one is usually ever satisfied with their looks, but someday people will realize they just have to deal with it.
  • I think that I used to so i just exercise,drink lots of water and don't eat so much.If you think you are ugly and if someone tells you that you are ugly just don't listen to them because they could be jealous of you.Just worry about having fun in life and don't worry about your appearances.And if you are young and you think you are ugly and fat maybe one day you will see that you have blossomed.
  • Yes all the time. I wish ididnt but i guess thats what we all do even the prettist.
  • uh I am fat and that's not a weird thought but reality. Ugly I never was. I do need to pick up swimming, I can lose it all in 3 months, pity it then creeps back up :)
  • I don't think I'm ugly. Sometimes I feel like I am, when I have a breakout or something, but I know I'm not. I know I'm not fat either, but I would like to lose a few pounds. My weight is very low, I'm 5'2 and 94lbs, but I hate my thighs haha, so I want to lose a few.
  • Only on or before that special time of the month.
  • Not weird thoughts. I'm not fat. But I'm ugly.
  • Sometimes I wake up and I'm like 'Oh, I look pretty today'. And sometimes it's like Oh, I look fat and ugly today'. Seriously, lol.
  • my self esteem is fine (surprising, i'm 13). it's my mom that needs convincing. ("don't eat that, you'll get fat!" "don't eat that, your face will break out!" "you need to exercise more!") i'm a healthy weight for my height and i don't consider myself ugly. and i'm a girl. haha, talk about weird.
  • weird thoughts? no, I used to be overweight (and had high bp/cholesterol), but I lost 80 lbs with Weight Watchers and I'm a lot healthier? Ugly? well, I'm no covergirl, but I don't think I'm least, I have someone who loves me and thinks I'm, that's what counts with me!
  • Weird thoughts?, those arent thoughts... thats my reality!
  • Um, no. I'm actually really skinny. And even if people do think I'm ugly, I don't care one bit.
  • no, but I have nightmares that I look like you.
  • i don't find those thoughts weird. while growing up they were a norm of my life, but they weren't something i would get preoccupied by, it was simply in my mind a fact of life. so while i "knew" i was ugly and fat, my life carried on as normal. i went out w friends and everything. now the older i am, i'm like - meh. so i'm not a size 2 and i'm not drop dead gorgeous. but i don't care because the only one deserving of my beauty in its entirety is somebody who can see it on the inside first anyways.
  • Absolutly. I think everyone does. I have fat days and ugly days. Days when I think "omg I am a hideous whale and everone has noticed exept me". But I also have days where I look in the mirror and think "Damn girl your lookin mighty fine"... the point is they are not weird thoughts- its part of being a teen and living in a matirialistic society like our own. The time to worry is when these thoughts start really effecting you. then you might want to talk to someone who can help you with your body image. good luck :-)
  • I think I am fat and ugly.
  • oh most definitely without a doubt.
  • Since I was first teased cruelly at School. I was about 8 and I can remember the teasing like it was yesterday. I never wanted to look in the mirror again, and it affected my self esteem forever.
  • have you seen my picture..i am fat and ugly, ha. i try not to think about it
  • Nearly everyone has them when they are in their teens or in their middle age. My odubts on the same subjact were cleared up only recently. I'm no Adonis, but I'm content with my looks. Soon you'll be too.
  • yeah i do. But i don't care what i look like. i don't really care what other guys say about me i am beatuiful in many ways
  • yea, but then i get over it.
  • I'm not ugly. But I usually feel fat. I hate my stomach. When I was a teenager, I felt awkward all the time.
  • They're not weird thoughts for me; they're accurate. I am fat and ugly. :-(
  • ya i have thoughts about my apearance all the time. I am fat, and ugly, and imperfect. I cant have a mirror hang in my room for fear of seeing myself. It drives me nuts when my friends say im beautiful/hawtt or disagree with the statment of my weight. But i try not to dwell on it. but when i hit a really low time i can barely move for the knowlege of what i really am. a hidious guess...but ya i do
  • I think everyone has felt this way once in their lifeitme or more. Yeah im struggling with that right now.
  • Well yeah, when I'm bloated I can't help but feel fat and ugly. And uncomfortable.
  • ya but i think i might have that self image disease.
  • Once people started telling me that yes I did and still do. People have such high standards that they think people should live up to thanks to the media, and they think that everyone should be stick thin and drop-dead gorgeous and I think it leaves anyone who isn't a size 0 (especially teenage girls) feeling self conscious.
  • yes and i avoid mirrors and try to stay off surveillance cameras if i can
  • I am a little fat but I am eatting less and my moms kind of forcing me to go down even though i ate little anyway but I am 13 and way 84 pounds my mom thinks im fat because im a 2 in clothing.
  • Yes, but this summer, I'm going on Weight Watchers and I"m going to the gym 3-4 times a week. So by the time I get back to school, I'll be a lot more attractive. My goal is to lose 15-20 pounds.
  • fat? sure. almost every girl i know worries about that and some guys. i worry about that even though i am a healthy person. but im italian and we are supposed to have some weight on us. its just how it is.
  • Course. Sometimes I can't even look at myself. Then I try and get a grip.
  • No, I'm naturally skinny. Sometimes I have thoughts wonderig why I'm so ugly.
  • of coarse i do mostly everyday. am 16 soon 2 be 17 in a few days.anyways ever since a was 13, people always told me that i am ugly, and every time i look in the mirror, i would always cry and i used to believe what people used to think. I tried to tell myself positive things, it sometimes work though. But i still sometimes think am ugly. I also had thoughts that i am fat i wanted to loose 45 pds so that i can look and feel beautiful. But i love my body size now, because i rather be big and beautiful, than skinny. Notice that some people in this world today would stare themselves completely. So always remember that everyone is born with different shapes and sizes.
  • I think everyone does at some point.
  • Yup, always have. My mother dieted constantly, and always said that she was fat. I wanted to diet with her, never realizing that my weight was fine. I grew up with a odd view of what was fat, it is hard to shake. The ugly part was odd also. My sister had polio before I was born. She was always very pale and unhealthy looking. Throughout my childhood, in order for my sister to feel good about herself, whenever someone would compliment me, my mother would put my sister foward, isn't she pretty, smart, talented, etc. I grew up hearing what my mother didn't say about me, not what strangers did say. When you are a little kid it is your parents who matter. Again, hard to shake. As an adult, I know I am not exactly fat or ugly, but inside, it is still there.
  • All the time.
  • Yes. But, I do think that that thought runs through everyones head atleast one time but ussually more.
  • yea its annoying... lol but its different from day to day, sometimes i think i look fat but then sometimes its like damn i look good today... lmao
  • Yes! All the time...sadly! do you have those thoughts
  • Well yes. The fat factor comes from my weight. Its about 63 kgs right now : (i think thats about 138 lbs?, not sure actually eek I duno how 2 convert them) and i'm 172 cms (5'7 or there abouts), everyone assumes I weight less and people say my body is in proportion, or fine or at times even hot but I can't see it cos I see my weight. And as for ugly, sure, I've been told in continuously so what else do you expect.
  • i think we all do at least once in our life i think I'm get worried over things that people when it's not their business so they should just shut the F*** up
  • Its that darn mirror, one day I'll walk by it at a bad angle and get caught off guard.
  • No, maybe skinny and ugly.
  • I think everyone at one point in they;re life and had thought that they are fat and/or ugly but it doesnt really matter, its your self esteem that matters... I know its mean but i know this girl at school who i admit could stand to lose a few pounds and not the prettiest girl ive ever seen but becasue of her confidence nobody really care how she looks and she;s extremely popular... just becasue she hasn't given into being self conscious
  • ugly not really fat yeah sometimes.
  • Yes! Then I look in the mirror and see that I'm fat and ugly and it makes me feel much better knowing my thinking is in sync with reality.
  • YES ! i think im hidiouss & fat as hell when im 13 im 5'3 & weigh 115 lbs. everywunn has flawss buttt if youu think yourr fat or uglyy thenn do somethinng aboutt it to make yursleff more confidentt :]
  • Yes. I know im not fat but I do think that sometimes.
  • Not really fat, since I tend to be too small for XS clothing. And not ugly, looking back on my track record of relationships and such, I must be doing something right.
  • Ugly, no as I still turn heads at 38 from men of all ages. Fat, not really but I could lose 10 pounds to get my pre-baby body back.
  • we all kinda feel like that once in a while.
  • Although I should know better than to believe I am ugly... It sometimes makes it hard when you are fat. and I am a bit chubby!
  • those arent weird thoughts. they are very normal. at some point or another everyone -and i dont care what they say- has questioned their appearance or other things about themselves. eventually you will get to a point where you accept you for you. im still not all the way there haha but im working on it. everyone is beautiful in their own different ways.

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