• every test in the whole wide world can be faked. But you mean I think clearing your mouth could alter the test. NO. They take cells from inside your mouth. And if you are the father you should be upright.
  • No I am the mother and I think the father did something in order not to pay child support.
  • Nope :)
  • Only if Papa had an impostor go in his place.
  • If not then It is very possible that I was pregnant before I got involved with this man?
  • I need help someone with this situation. My child is 16 years old and this just happen. How can I find out my past descretely without hurting anyone? I think It is only write that if this man truely is not his father that my child know who is father is. I Have wrote time lines and contacts down for my entire life and the time of conception and it still points to this particular man. I need help
  • It depends on the type of test. If it was a legal test, then it is very difficult for them to alter the results since a certified Sample collector would have been present. If it was an at home test, then it gets tricky, since there is no guarantee that he in effect actually used the mouth swab on himself. Since you want to find out if he is or not the father discreetly, I'd recommend that you use a peace of mind test. These tests are done through the mail, and are just as precise as a legal test (as long as you're sure who truly gave the samples). I'd recommend since they have a really nice customer service. Compare your son's DNA with either or both possible fathers and then you'll know who his real biological father is. I hope this helps.

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