• Yes ofcourse. The muscles of our face have to work to get the jaw to close. So obviously when they stop functioning...
  • No. It can, but it doesn't always happen in either natural or violent deaths.
  • Absolutely. When a person passes, they lose all control of bodily and reflex functions. It normally happens immediately that their mouth will fall open, because they lose the control of their muscles. The comment above saying that it doesn't always happen in natural or violent deaths is completely incorrect. So yes, movies and TV do display death the wrong way, but I think it is more aesthetically pleasing to a viewing audience if it's not too "real". I work in funeral services as a mortician and have seen many a deceased person, about 90% of them have their eyes open, all of them have their mouths open. I hope that this has been helpful for you.
  • It depends.. some people die with open eyes.. some with open mouth.. you never know..
  • It depends on the person. I have seen many dead bodies and it truly does vary...

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