• Benign tumors aren't. However it is still a good idea to get them removed in case cell growth were to restart.
  • No most of them arent. Its just that we only talk about the ones that are.
  • Aren't only malignant tumors a threat?
  • benigne tumors are non life threatening, malignant tumors are. if you have one or suspect that you have one you should get it biopsied to see which it is. good luck
  • No, as some are benign or easily removed.
  • There is some confusion here as to the difference between a benign tumor and a malignant tumor with respect to whether or not they are life threatening or not. Benign tumors CAN be life threatening. Most people think of malignant tumors as the "bad" kind of tumor. And they are. They can grow very quickly (unlimited growth), they can spread to surrounding tissues, and they metastasize (a fancy medical term meaning they can spread throughout the body, essentially). Benign tumors, however, lack these three qualities. But this does not mean that they are not life threatening or that they cannot cause severe bodily harm which may not be life threatening. Benign tumors are typically encapsulated, or contained, and cannot spread like a malignant tumor. However, this does not mean that the tumor cannot grow and cause collateral damage. If a benign tumor were, for example, located in the brain, its growth could eventually cause severe neurological damage and death. One growing in the body near the vessels supplying blood to an internal organ, like a kidney or the liver, could likewise cause damage to the affected organ and possibly death. I personally had a colesteotoma, which is a benign tumor in the middle ear. Because of the very limited space in the middle ear, the growth of this benign tumor can cause damage to the middle ear bones, the mastoid bone, the tympanic membrane, the aural nerve, and even the facial nerves which provide sensory input and feeling from/to the side of the face and tongue. Needless to say, untreated this kind of tumor can cause severe to total hearing loss, balance problems, severe pain, and damage to the nerves to one side of the face and tongue. So benign tumors CAN be life threatening or cause severe injuries. However, because benign tumors do not have those three characteristics I listed above which are associated with malignant tumors, benign tumors are very easily treated in most cases: a relatively simple surgical procedure to remove the tumor is all that is needed.

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