• Depends. If I am having a very light hearted conversation I do not take each word into consideration. If I am taking my time and reading a novel sometimes each individual word does, in fact, mean a lot. However, sometimes value is not determined on the words we use, but the meaning and insinuation behind them.
  • absolutely. i try to imagine the intent of the person writing while i am reading. i try to make judgement based only on purpose and content, instead of semantics and point of view.
  • yes all the time, but sometimes it's like nothing this person is saying makes any sense at all, the entire sentence structure is off or there a child learning to read and write or I figure that it's not there natural language and skip it.. ~Nemo~
  • Around here at AB - you bet I do.
  • I think I do, Rosie. To do so implies a certain agenda. Lots of agendas here, being worked through from birth to death.

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