• Alto sax is the one that drives the girls wild. (And, quite obviously, the tenor is higher.) ____________ Appologies all around. I always did think tenors were higher than altos! Even old broads can learn something!
  • The alto sax the higher. It's smaller than the tenor sax and it's pitch is higher. The tenor sax is a lot bigger and has a lower pitch. Picture - in order - alto, tenor, and baritone sax. and the really tiny one is a soprano sax, the highest pitch.
  • Hi; Can any body give me the difference in inches between the Alto and Tenor Saxophone, and ...would the bell diameter be different ? Thank you.
  • The most obvious difference between an alto and tenor in the size. A tenor sax is much larger (my friend refers to it as the "plus size model"). As far as playing the instrument goes, you'll find the fingerings to be the same, just higher on the alto. A tenor sax plays in Bb concert, an alto in Eb. If an alto and tenor play the same piece of music, the sound will be similar minus the pitch. You'll find the tenor to have a more mellow tone, however it can almost sound similar to an alto on the really high notes. I played tenor for about 4 years, so hopefully this helps.
  • The tenor sax is bigger and lower pitched alto, but how would you be able to tell if you didn't have both in front in front of you? Well, the tenor has that bump-like curve on top of the neck, and the alto does not. Yes, the tenor is pitched in Bb and the alto in Eb. To check to see which is which, play a C on the instrument. Then play a Bb or Eb on a piano. Whichever it matches is how you tell.
  • The soprano must have got cut out in the picture...
  • Well the most obvious difference is the shape. The tenor is bigger with a curvy shaped crook. also the tenor has a deeper mellower tone.
  • Alto is higher, and keyed in Eb, where as the tenor is lower and keyed in Bb, the tenor is also bigger and has a longer curved neck

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