A small ball made of newspaper it worked for my cat!!!!
my uncle had a siamese cat that did that! he used a ball of aluminum foil, the cat found it irrisistable!
cats love to fetch. One of my cats used to catch a fluffy ball in her mouth when I threw it to her.
I never trained mine....he just does it.
Usually it's the cat that decides it's a 'fetcher'. You get some balls or little toy mice and you throw them and see if the cat will go chase it and pick it up. If it does, then encourage it to come your way. Then if it gets close to you, throw it again. Soon the cat will learn that bringing it back will get you to toss it. We've got two cats that could do this all day, even with me throwing things up the stairs and all the way down the house.
Use a live mouse.
Impossible. The cat will just look at you sarcastically and saunter off until it wants food!
I had a cat who liked to fetch the plastic rings from the tops of milk jugs.
I tied a soft toy to a large shoelace, tossed it and she would run after it every time then drag it around.
I've never taught a cat to fetch but I have always found teaching a cat to fly is a great way to teach them what no means.
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