• Sometimes arrangements are made between collectors of these vintage pieces and the film company by someone who searches out the vehicle props.
  • There are a lot of WWII planes of all nations still around, and lots of old American Sherman Tanks. However, most movies that I have seen use newer American tanks to represent German Tiger and Panther tanks. For instance, "Battle of the Bulge", "To Hell and Back", and other old movies use American M-47's (1950's vintage) to represent German Tigers. In fact, the only movies I can recall that used real German tanks are "Kelly's Heroes" and "Saving Private Ryan". However, in both those movies the Tiger tanks' turrets and upper hulls appear to be built on top of Russian T-34 chassis.
  • ....and much of the armor and vintage planes we see now in WWII movies are simply film clips of training films or actual combat that have been digitalized. It's also correct that many of them were just models made for the sets and were capable of being modified to suit the needs of the director/producer. What made "Saving Private Ryan" a remarkable film was the new sound effects they were using along with actual sounds of live ammunition that was injected into the movie.

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