• Here is a site I found about the String Theory, not sure if its exactly what your looking, for but you might be interested in it! Its hard to find things just describing the 11th dimension
  • Isn't this great stuff! That "membranes" separate us from the alternative universes which are actually...quite near at hand. Trully, I suspected it all along--or at least ever since I was in college. Have you ever heard of Apple World. That is not the title. I just sent an e off to the department head of the local university's Physicists Department asking if he knows the name of the book. Anyway, it is about a two dimensional world, all the beings within it live in two dimensions only. One day an apple passes through the world, and due to the limitations of the world, they never did quite perceive the full three dimensional form. They knew something weird had happened...but just unsure of what! That is the explanation that one of my college science profs gave when trying to explain what the 4th dimension might look like to us. It would look weird, but we wouldn't quite understand it or know what had happened. Since we are limited by the rules of our dimension, we might have contact with other dimensions all the time!

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