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  • It smells similar, but does not have similar effects. Everytime I smudge my house, it smells like I've had a huge pot party.
  • i wouldnt recomend it. it might make you pretty sure that it contains no thc.sage is used in some cultures to ward off evil spirits.and to bless a space. depending on how old you are,you shouldnt be smoking anything.
  • Sage i THINK is along the salvia family. salvia divinorum is a plant that looks like sage and gives you a RIDICULOUSLY strong trip off a very small amount.(stronger but shorter then LSD in my opinion) also, if you smoke salvia, you come possitive for marijuana on drug tests AND it smells like weed. thats all i know, MAYBE they all link together, maybe they dont. maybe itll make you high, maybe itll kill you. anyones guess.
  • Lol! omg a girl just rang my door bell after i burnt the sage i bought from an indian place next to my house. She was giggling and studdaring...=/ i was so imbarrist
  • Assuming you are referring to "Common Sage" found in the kitchen, there are a number of heralded medicinal uses for sage, but it will not get you "high" and does not contain THC. Here is its' scientific categorization Kingdom: Plantae Division: Magnoliophyta Class: Magnoliopsida Order: Lamiales Family: Lamiaceae Genus: Salvia Species: S. officinalis It is related to Salvia Divinorum, but they are by no means the same plant. If you want to know more try here:
  • Sage does not have any similar effects nor dose it contain any THC. I have smoked sage a few times and it didn't do anything to me. I haven't found any evidence that it is overly harmful but I don't see any point in doing it. "Native Americans had several uses for this plant: seeds were ground into a flour and used for mush; leaves were used for flavoring in cooking; leaves were also eaten, smoked or used in a sweathouse as a remedy for colds"

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