Making the transition as easy as possible for Obama and his team.
leave the office early.
By not making last minute changes to federal regulations that will take months to undo.
He's doing a very admirable job on the transition. It's hard for a lame duck, but he's doing a fairly good job.
Just lay low and bide his time. He's done... more than enough.
AFAIK, there's nothing that says he can't move out of the White House next week or so and let the Obamas move in ASAP. ;)
Sit down and shut up.
Make it official and start a two man clown circus with Shotgun-Dick!
Ideally, he should go on vacation for the next two months and not do anything. He's done enough damage already.
How about actually doing his job and making sure he keeps the auto industry going and keeping the stocks from falling. If he can do that within a miraculous month then I will praise him but the thing is he won't do that so I am not even going to bother. Bush did a really good job of avoiding doing his job by taking more vacations than any other president in history. I think it is amazing how much time he wasted!
Not to. Dude has done enough.
Let Obama take over early!!!
the DC 'Y' needs a lifeguard.
He can go take a time out in the naughty chair.
Pardon our border guards Ramos and Compean....Aside from that, just make the transition as smooth as possible, which I think he trying to do...
Help with the auto bailout and bring some troops home.
Continue to keep the USA safe from terrorist attacks. They will be here soon enough.
He should sit on his hands and not sign any documents.
Put a plastic bag over Cheney's head!!
He and Cheney could resign, that would be a good start.
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