• They marry out of loneliness and confuse that with love.
  • Top Five Reasons Newlyweds Divorce 5. Trouble with the in-laws. 4. Difference of opinion about having children. 3. A cheating spouse. 2. Sexual problems. 1. Money. This is from Dr. Keith Ablow website
  • I would have to say the main reason is STRESS from each other, What I'm saying is that there finding each other hard to live with and gaining stress from not being more happy with each other. Another reason may be because the person doesn't like the same activities as you Ex: Say that you like reading, but your mate likes partying, That may be the reason why couples get divorced!
  • The real answers to this question can only come from you. You have to figure out what reason or reasons would be viable in your mind in order to actually go through your decision about getting a divorce or staying married. Some reasons that people give for getting a divorce, or wanting a divorce, are purely selfish and have no substance. An example of a reason for wanting a divorce that has no substance is not liking the fact that your spouse has constant unfounded jealousy. There is a deeper problem that exists here, and it could be that the spouse who constantly feels jealousy has a confidence problem or some sort of 'fear of loss'. Couple has conflicting personal beliefs *Couple’s marital satisfaction decreases *Desertion *Adultery *Cruel treatment *Bigamy *Imprisonment *Spousal Indignities *Institutionalization *Irretrievable Breakdown of some kind
  • Jumping into a marriage too soon and discovering after as little as a few months that they have very little in common or that they are simply not very compatible. Many couples decide to get married too quickly and fail to realize what hard work is put into making a serious relationship work. Also, a lot of younger people decide to get married before they are mature enough to commit like that.
  • The reasons I'm divorcing: 5. I don't love him, and haven't for years. 4. He lacks respect for anyone but himself. 3. He's irresponsible. 2. He's abusive (mentally, emotionally, physically, and verbally). 1. I cannot achieve my life goals while married to him. Update: As of July 11, 2007, I am happily divorced.
  • all of your answers are excellent, I feel Adultry is the most devistating blow to a marriage and possibly the number one reason for divorce. A marriage can make it through an affiar but it is a long and hard row to hoe, it takes a lot of time and understanding on both parts. Also, I have noticed that couples just dont try anymore, it is too easy to walk away.. just my opinion
  • I am going to take the wise AntigoneRising route on this one: 1. Cheating (she was 16, he was 27) 2. Money issues (he once spent $600 in one day on video games and CDs--no problem except that rent was due and that was the rent money) 3. Lack of common goals/things in common in general 4. I got tired if hearing my mom say "You picked him"!
  • I'm going to answer this from my own experience. I was married to my ex-wife for ten years. At the outset, we spoke about having children, but both agreed we would wait until we were more "settled". (When we got married, she had just changed jobs, and I left the fire department to go back to school and get my degree.) Five years later, we were both pretty well established in our careers (she a Nurse Anesthetist, and me the CFO of a small software company) and we had purchased a house. I spoke to her and said that we should start thinking about having children before we were "too old". Her response was "I never said I wanted to have children." When I reminded her of the conversation we had before we got married, she told me that I must have misunderstood. In addition, she was in therapy for seven out of the ten years that we were married. She was dealing with childhood issues, including both sexual and emotional abuse. I was very supportive of her throughout the therapy. She came to me after a couple years of therapy, and stated that her therapist felt it would help her progress in the therapy if she abstained from sex for a period of time, I supported her in that. She initially said it would be about six months, but it ended up being eighteen months. During that time, I was faithful, not acting upon any opportunities that I had, although I seemed to have many. Two years after we resumed sexual relations, her father had a heart attack. All of the emotional pain that she had from her childhood came rushing back, and we ended up with another fourteen months of abstinence while she worked it out in therapy again. By then, the emotional toll of abstaining from sexual relations on top of the realization that I was probably not going to have any children was too much for me. I became very friendly with a woman I worked with (Michelle), and started spending more and more time with her. She was a single mother with a five year old son. She and I became very emotionally attached to each other, and started doing some "family" type activities together. My ex-wife decided that I was having an affair with Michelle, and she confronted me about it. I denied that anything was going on between us, but at about that time, I realized that I was having an intellectual and emotional "affair" with Michelle. We never slept together, as her religious convictions prevented her from having that type of relationship with a married man. By that time, I had pretty much realized that my marriage was over. My ex-wife would get up at 6:00am and head off to work while I was still asleep. I would leave for work around 8:30am, and would work until 6:00pm. When I left work, I would usually either go to Michelle's house to hang out, or go to my friend Eric's house to hang out with him and his wife. I wouldn't get home until after 11:00pm most nights, after my ex-wife was already asleep. Sometimes, we would go weeks on end without ever speaking to each other. I started smoking again (my ex and I had quit together when we got married). At work, I would go out on the front steps of our building to smoke with another woman who worked with me. She was in the process of getting divorced, and we would spend hours sometimes commiserating about bad marriages. One thing led to another, and she and I ended up in bed together while on a trip to Florida to attend a mutual friend's wedding. Our affair continued for about four months, when my ex-wife found out about it. One Saturday morning, after I had been out all night (ironically - not with my "mistress" that time) she met me at the door and told me that she wanted me to leave the house. She was working a second shift at the hospital that afternoon, and she asked me to clear out all of my stuff. I felt so guilty about what I had been doing, that I did exactly as she asked. I left and never went back, except to pick up my clothing and personal items that afternoon. We were divorced within six months. I remarried the following year. Lisa and I have now been together for nine years, married for seven and a half. We have two beautiful children. I guess I wasn't "too old" after all.
  • My mother's two divorces were for different reasons. The first, my father, was physically abusive. He was kicked out at gunpoint after mom worked up the courage. The second was merely that the spark had faded and they no longer loved each other. They parted on friendly terms though; it just didn't work out as man and wife.
  • Men from where i come from are getting a divorse when their women whine a lot.And trust me our women whine a lot :P
  • I would have said a cheating partner. In my case my first marriage resulted in divorce because we literally drifted apart.
  • i suppose if people get married young they change and fall out of love, affairs, inlaw trouble, not wanting to get married in the first place but did because they felt they had to, and lots of other things aswell
  • Sometimes they just HATE each other
  • I know many families that are close to me that are divorced or divorcing, including my parents. THE reason in all of them is that they did not love each other, and never should have married in the first place.
  • Unfaithfulness, one partner stops working, kids grow up and leave home, tired of all the crap.
  • the only reason they ran out of reasons to stay married.
  • cheating, lying, money,
  • In my personal opinion, if it's not from abuse or adultery, it's because of selfishness.
  • The lack of honesty. People neglect being honest with themselves and eachother, and therefor get into complicated situations that can only be solved by instant honesty.
  • One partner thinks they have found their "soul mate" apart from the person they married and promised to be faithful to. I saw a guy last night who wants to divorce his wife of over 20 years so he can be with this wrinkle bag I saw him with last night. I hope she fights him every step of the way.
  • I think the two biggest reasons are cheating & financial issues
  • Look at it this way; marriage is simply one form of a relationship. So, the question might well be ..."What are some of the reasons relationships break up?" The answers are multiple. The three prime movers, sex-money-power, and their variations, are usually behind most things. Then there are the multitude of personal reasons, fear-anger-hurt-pain-envy-lust, etc. Then there are the usual addiction issues such as drugs, alcohol and so on. All these things can cause any relationship, including marriage, to dissolve.
  • Girls: "He can never take care of himself, the slob!" "Why won't he talk to me when I'm sad, does he not care?" "He never understands my feelings!" "I can never have my personal time!" Guys: "I'm under the gun there, and she can't understand that?" "I took care of him last week, now it's my turn again?" "Why is she getting so emotional?" It really varies...
  • First, they forget how to love themselves, and being unable o love them self, they can't love another. Then they fail to acknowledge the other's entitlement to emotions. Because I'm hurt doesn't mean you have to be hurt, or the other way around. If you can truly accept yourself without judgment, then you will choose a partner who will honor you. If you can't love and honor yourself your will make the wrong choice in partners...and ultimately divorce.
  • I believe that people get divorced either because they lack good judgement(getting married to the wrong person in the first-place), or they possess a lack of commitment to the person they're married to. I've made this mistake myself, people change and often we grow in different directions.
  • I think that even though sometimes people get divorced for lack of trying, it does happen that people do grow apart and become so incompatible that they cannot live together anymore.
  • A marriage breakdown is normally why! And can be for various reasons such as being unfaithful,domestic violence,lack of communication,fell out of love,the list is endless!
  • To answer this question properly you would need to know how many stars are in the universe.
  • There are many reasons people get divorced: 1) going into marriage without preparation 2) marrying someone for infatuation, without realising what a difference a marriage would make to the relationship 3)selfish reasons (the partner didn't provide them with what they wanted) 4)tensions with inlaws 5) cultural differences 6) money worries 7) alcoholism, addiction, gambling problems, abuse the list goes on and on.
  • To keep the murder rate down.
  • Cause they're too stupid and selfish to make things work like they should. When things get tough they just run for the hills. We just have a bunch of boys and girl running around trying to fulfill some fantasy when getting married, oblivious to the fact that it's going to be hard no matter what they do. Like my grandpa says,"I've seen 18 year old men and I've seen 90 year old boys." It rings true today, no one is being a man anymore. All these 20 some year old boys running around calling themselves men, yeah right. The definition of a man these days has become infected with lies, ignorance, stupidity, and evil. When it comes to the man looking to get a divorce, BE A MAN AND WORK THINGS OUT! It's a total disgrace.
  • bcos they dont know what is marriage... its a knot tied by god..
  • There's many reasons people get divorced. Many of them legit reasons, and many of them not. The legit reasons could be that their partner is abusive, or from infedility, or they just don't get along anymore. But alot of the time, I think people give up. They think in the beginning that this is their knight in shining armor and everything is going to be perfect from now on, and nothing will ever be bad, ever. And then when things change a little, and people get more comfortable with each other, and stop putting on that "dating front"- people aren't happy. And then they don't want to try anymore. They think that a perfect marriage, you don't have to work for. But the problem is, there IS no "perfect marriage". People hold onto an ideal that doesn't exist. So they get divorced and married, and divorced and married. All they want is the perfect party, and they don't think about the marriage itself, afterward. It makes me really sad.
  • Because when things get tough people quit. thanks
  • In my case the old lady got knocked up by another guy.
  • Because they discover that marriage is hard, and takes work. People aren't into that. They have this fantasy ideal of what a marriage should be, and when they find out it's not 24/7 bliss, they bail. Fifty years ago someone being divorced was actually a shameful thing, and society frowned on it. It was assumed that if you were divorced then you didn't try hard enough, or had an affair. Now people get prenups because they just figure that marriage is a temporary situation.
  • In my case it was because she cheated on me. Not so much that though as I just couldn't find it in my heart to trust her again. Even when she tried so hard to prove herself I found myself questioning her honesty. It lead to many ugly screaming and shouting matches in front of my son who was 9 at the time. I just woke up one day and realized that my son and his mother would be better off if I just left. She was really trying hard and didn't really deserve my mistrust but as hard as I wanted to I couldn't forget how she hurt my by cheating.
  • Sometimes marriage dont work. My parents married in 1982 and divorced in 2000. They remarried in 2002 and divorced again in 2005 and remarried again this past summer. Both divorces were due to marital break down and small issues.
  • Right, umm... Well, my parents seperated, because I heard officially from my dad, that my mom cheated on my dad. He said he found the dude squatting in the bathroom naked... He beat my father, and with the help of my aunt, he got a video recording of the injuries recieved. My mom has said nothing on the matter, so i assumed this to be true. Yet I still live with her... It's usually about not loving the other one. I mean, now, my dad's married again to my stepmom. They waited, i think it was, four to eight years, before making a commitment... You have to know the other person before you marry them, cause you make a commitment, and, *poof*, It's all f***ed up. Parents don't think sometimes.
  • because they fall out of love ....simple
  • For many reasons. People get bored with being with the same person for years. Maybe the sex is non-existant. I knew a woman, actually my mom's friend who said she got divorced because the sex was bad. Most of the time though people get divorced because someone had an affair. That's what happened to my parents.
  • Marriage.
  • Billboards.
  • Based on what I hear and read: 1. Infidelity 2. Physical violence 3. Irreconcilable differences
  • Lack of honesty, finances.
  • One would be money problems , and then theres cheating the list can go on forever , sadly + 5
  • Abuse, betrayal and financial hardship.
  • money, mothers in law, another woman, co-dependence,
  • lack of communication, and mental disorders....seriously.
  • Deception. Little lies that begin and grow over time. Inconsideration, watching porn when there's a real live woman handy (wife) and just not saying I'm sorry to each other. Going to bed angry and that carries over into the next day. Sometimes it's too much of a hard climb every day.
  • Sex Money In-Laws
  • Irreconcilable differences.
  • People who do not read the Bible. Reading the Bible is a shield against divorce.
  • ...cabin fever?
  • All those periods of abstinence while you remained faithful. what was that about? And after all those years of no sex, when she discovers that you have, indeed been having sex she blames you and wants you out! You should have left much, much earlier...Couldn't you read the writing on the wall?
  • Your wife used the hell out of you. Once that you saw her out of control, demanding abstinence, and you gave her that room, you should have left at the second time. I am glad that you have found happiness with a different woman. But, here's a question: do you and your 'ex now get along peacefully? Or is there bitterness and hateful actions.
  • People get divorced for as many reasons as people get married. Personally, I don't see divorce as a problem any more than I see marriage as a solution. They are both simply valid choices. If cars failed 50% of the time we would blame the engineer not the individual car yet when 50% of marriages "fail" we continue to blame the individuals - perhaps it's time to question the institution of marriage…? Children don't "tie the knot" - they play, and when they are done playing they go their own way. As adults we try to modify our natural way of being in order to fit it into a the box of marriage. Marriage, is a social institution. It has a social purpose - social stability - it was never designed to serve personally. Marriage assumes and requires no change (not in me and not in my partner) yet change is the only guaranteed outcome, and the more intimate the marriage the faster the changes. If our goal is longevity then we will have to sacrifice intimacy, honesty and openness. We have to "lie", be polite and compromise in order to maintain a marriage. If, on the other hand, our goal is intimacy then we may have to let go of longevity and politeness, but what we get in return will be real and personal rather than a social stamp of approval... I was married for 5 years and regret neither the marriage nor the divorce - only the legal stupidities of the system...
  • cuz marriage suxx
  • believe me, it's a good thing
  • Finances play a big role. I am learning very quickly that you need to make sure you take care of your self financially. Also, jumping into a marriage is a very bad move. I married after 1 year of dating. The bottom line is that it USUALLY it takes more than a year to get to know somebody. Just my opinion.
  • They don't like marriage. They don't like each other. They don't like the same things. They don't like the same people. They don't like themselves when they are together.
  • lack of SEX can be one of the main ones!!!
  • Usually because there's no more respect in the relationship.
  • Main reason Finances and a lack of communication.
  • Clutter. Screaming at each other.
  • because they dont like to each other firts they dont have any relations their family may hostile to each other mothers are the main cause that make dicorce to their children to be divorced
  • When fighting over certain things, and arguments get worse, I think couples just give up on each other and feel like they can't fix what they have created. The just know it's going to get worse and worse and lack communication so they don't try and resolve matters. They spend too much time trying to find reasons on why they are right and try to win, but in the end, nobody wins. They just breakup.
  • 1) bad hair days 2) no 'Fruit Loops' 3) sexual disfucktion 4) chapped lips 5) mother in law with digital camera
  • people get divorced for many reasons. affairs, abuse, different goals in life. when i got divorced my husband was having an affair, beating on me. and was into drinking instead of paying bills. not there emotionaly
  • After 18 yrs of being with the same person, you get sick of being taken for granted. Through my whole relationship I feel that maybe I have loved him too much, and gave too much of myself. I don't know who I am or what I like anymore.
  • I think the most common reason for a women seeking divorce is that we always think that there is someone else out there that will love us more or treat us better. Relationships are always great in the beginning, the sex is amazing he knows just what you want and takes his time to touch you, then after awhile your lucky if he takes his pants off both legs first.
  • Affairs, dead beat (won't get a job or help out), abusive, etc.
  • I had a woman tell me once that she was in love with the idea of having a new relationship all the time.
  • We moved closer to my wife's hometown so she could be closer to her family. She got back in touch with an old high school friend and left me for him. We had been married for over seven years and she wanted the thrill and excitement of a new relationship. That's why my marriage ended. I wasn't the world's greatest husband but I did not deserve to be cheated on and lied to.
  • I make 85+K per year and while my wife is an excellent mother to our 11 month old daughter, she is a financially careless. She has never keep a job for more than 1 year. Only wants to work under the table. We are late on all our utilities and lost over 40K in a business. Yet, she approaches me each month with another $500.00 bill out of nowwhere
  • When the pain is greater than the love that is shared.
  • When he told me I was unattractive because I had kids-his kids. And no one would want me(I'm 5'3", 120 pounds, work out 4-6 days a week in the gym). I think it was him with the issues...
  • Seperate minds + seperate dreams.
  • I think money problems and sexual incompatibility are the two main causes. A highly sexed woman mut be made love to constantly.
  • Maybe do to they jumped into the marriage to quickly. Not thinking of the long term affects it could have on each of their life's. More or less they may not of looked at the whole picture of things. Like looking out side of the box, at the big picture.
  • I think the main reason is lack of passion over time, which leads to a lot of other issues like cheating, drinking, money etc.....Luckily we didn't have the other issues, but called it quits before it got to those.
  • money problems lack of communication infidelity deteriorating sex life any kind of abuse addictions loss of trust and respect for one another
  • Divorce …!
  • Cheating, disrespecting, lying, living in double life, dishonest, negelecting, don't understanding each other and their feelings, having lots of sex relationships(with sluts and etc...)and many more....And I heard that some people are saying children are the reason too. I don't about that.
  • money, cheating, abuse
  • The only reason anyone would get divorced is they get married. 1st step to divorce is marriage.
  • sometimes ppl just grow apart.
  • "Does this make me look fat"? every single damn day....

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