Scarlet or pink!!!! Especially scarlet with zebra print accessories!!!
IMO..puce. It even sounds nasty. ;-)
Bright orange wouldn't appeal to me.
Purple, it just doesn't seem like a great color for a bedroom.
dont know whatg it is called but the way that they mix colors inconsistantly and it gives this weird mis-matched look. all these streaks and incomplete petters seeming to form. sleeping in that would just mess with my mind?!?!
Depends what you want your bedroom to represent. Personally i hate lilac as its too wishywashy.
Kraft Dinner colour.
Mauve. I hate mauve!
I once saw a bedroom that was entirely black - bedding, pillows, walls, ceiling, furniture, carpet, curtains, lamp shades. It was so depressing, I suspect with hindsight the owner must have been a vampire.
Do what the hotels do. All white with an anonymous brown smear about 18 inches from where your head would hit the pillow.
brown & dull yellow with walls of faded light blue
Olive green walls and a urine-yellow fog filling the room.
Battleship gray.
Dark grey and chocolate brown together. My nephew has his bedroom painted like that. His life likes it even though he picked out the colors. It's depressing to be in that room. It's a partial basement room with very small windows and needs to be light and airy but I guess if they like it, who am I to say it's bad. OKay, I still say it's wrong LOL!!!
I would say orange...That is the one color i really cannot see working in a bedroom.
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