• It can be both. It isn't always art and it isn't always vandalism. In my opinion, if you are graphically (or audibly or via taste or smell or whatnot) expressing youreslf, you are creating art. I don't see why they have to be mutually exclusive.
  • I think depending on the message and content... it is art. I like Banksy -
  • Depends if the wall belongs to you or not, or if you have permission. If you do it to express yourself, it’s art and won’t mind if it you have to get permission. If you do it without permission you are probably out to cause problems and so it vandalism
  • i think graffiti is art.. i mean why should people be punished for expressing themselves? its just like writing or drawing... expressing yourself with spraypaint isnt that bad.. and people always complain about how we pay for it with our taxes but were the ones who vote on it, and if we voted not to clean it up it would be fine.. the graffiti artists would be happy that they got there message out there and we wouldnt have to pay to clean it up plus it would look hella cool.
  • It can be both. People just putting their tags on house walls is not art. People painting imaginitive murals, not that is something else.
  • tags are junk... old school "pieces" can be art to some.. I can appreciate a good piece
  • It can be art. The difference is whether the owner of the wall/property wanted it there. If they didn't then you're defacing property which is vandalism.
  • Art if the "artist" has permission of the property owner. Vandalism if the "vandal" does not have permission of the property owner.
  • Some grafitti can be very powerful art. I've seen beautiful pieces. Sometimes it's obviously inappropriate though.
  • vandalism is vandalism, graffiti is art :)
  • If it was not asked for it is vandalism. I have seen some great graffiti done but if the owner of a object of the work does not request it then it is wrong.
  • no never it expresses feeling and personally i think it is great art. i mean people would not mind if you painted the mona lesa on their wall. i dont think it is vandalism at all.
  • Depends on whose surface it's on. If it's owned by someone else and they didn't give you permission, I don't think it matters how lovely it is, it is vandalism. And I've seen some beautiful vandalism. Once there was a gorgeous HUGE naked woman painted on a rock wall just above a tunnel over the highway. She must have been 20 feet tall and very well done. But it wasn't their rock to paint and it was very distracting. That was vandalism. I was sorry to see her go for she was art but she was done in the wrong place. If I want to TO my tree and make it look a certain way, it's art. If I do it to my neighbors tree no matter how thoughtful, it's vandalism if he doesn't want it on there.
  • some, definately. if it was truely made for the enjoyment of others, then yes. if it was made to show hate of bring anger onto the community, then no.
  • Either, neither, or both, it just depends on who owns the property and how well done it is. The chalk artists seem to have the right idea, some of their work is amazing, nobody seems to mind and the rain washes it away, no cleanup. People who paint on other peoples property are criminals and should be treated as such. Check these out.
  • As an art form I really like graffiti..but I don't like vandalized buildings etc.
  • If they do it upon something they own, it is art. Upon someone else's property or public property WITHOUT permission is vandalism.
  • It depends on if you have permission and the type of work.
  • Graffiti is an art form. Vandalism is any sort of willful or malicious destruction, injury, disfigurement, or defacement of any public or private property, real or personal, without consent of the owner or person having control. Sometimes the 2 overlap each other.
  • No matter how beautiful graffiti may be, if you put it where you didn't get permission--it's vandalism.
  • i think it depends on the person looking at it. kinda like some people think some plants are weeds and others think the same species is beautiful.
  • Graffiti is vandalism no matter what way you look at it. It's "destroying" someone else's stuff. I still think the good pieces require talent though. Even if it is illegal.
  • All depends on the canvas the artist decides to use...otherwise it should/could be deemed the "art" of vandalism.
  • I think Both...If it has a Message or Meaning then it is art...If it is vandalizing art or if it is Gang signs then it is vandalism
  • Art until, It's your front door they screw up.Tag a taggers moms front door and him if it a piece.
  • Depends if they got legal permission to put it on the surface that they tagged.
  • Good graffiti is definately art, I love admiring some of the work in the subway, it's very impressive. An ex boyfriend of mine was commissioned by the local council to spray paint a certain area of the town. That's art. Kids writing on walls with marker pens however is vandalism, it sucks.
  • It can be both. Much graffiti is purposely done as vandalism, some is intended to be art. However, if it's not the "artist's" property, it is still illegal and wrong. That said, there is some phenomenal "street art" out there. Check this site for some excellent examples of street art.
  • It can be described as both, but if it is defacing something it is vandalism in my opinion.
  • beauty is in the eye of the beholder
  • Totally vandalism. That's why its fun.
  • art - you should see the TRAIN ART in my area Cranbrook BC Canada THATS ART!!
  • If it's the gangster kind of graffiti then no.
  • Graffiti because vandalism is wrong. It's like San Andreas for GTA, you gotta rep your hood. OK, I don't know about any of that but I have seen some really amazing spray can masterpieces out there.
  • iT cAn Be Co0l SoMeTiMeS
  • Controlled graffiti is OK, like a mural. But image if someone decide to paint your house, car, or clothes. You may not agree with there taste.
  • Both. But the vandalism is the most fun.
  • Some graffiti takes a lot of skill to create and looks great...That is art in my opinion. However, when people just tag crap up with a sharpie that's not art at all

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