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  • How did this question end up under "The Arts". What kind of arts are we talking about? Sexual arts?
  • It's obviously the silly season, stupid questions on sex.
  • Ouch... Low rating. I wonder why people hate this question so much. Seriously, guys have no idea. What makes sex so enjoyable to women?
  • I can't say because I'm a male, but I have quite wondered it. Why won't anyone take it seriously?
  • Depends who your partner is and what you know on what to do with it (penis) when it's inside you. It can really hurt or be gentle. I know, now that my partner is a bit smaller, it doesn't hurt upon penetration (though both end up being pleasurable). Woman on top tends to give the woman the most pleasure/sensation. It's the best way for me to orgasm. However, it's all an individual experience and changes each time.
  • It's a warm, full feeling. And every time it goes in, out and back in again you can feel shudders all over your body and a really nice, indescribable feeling in your stomach. If you've been waiting a long time, (or have been teased for a long time) the first slide in feels like such a relief. It's sort of like a really bad itch on your back that you can't manage to scratch without someone's help. While it's going in you can feel the head, but usually (in my case anyway) you can mostly only feel the shaft, but that's nice too, if it's really hard or pulsing. When it's fast, your temp rises faster and sometimes it's hard to think about anything else but what's going in and out of you (that's when you might throw your hips back against him to unconsciously say you want more). When it's slow I just get a lot of muscle spasms, but it still feels good. When the testes hit against you or when you feel him bumping your cervix, I think it's more of a mental feed, like you know that you're taking it all and that makes you just feel nice. I'm not sure I described it the best way but, that's how I feel. Now I wonder what it feels like for the male?
  • I feel full, and warm. Other than that, I'm afraid, my answer wouldn't be coherent.
  • Filling, wonderful, loving. Now, what does it feel like for a guy?
  • I am a lez but when i did have sex with dudez the experience itself was "outer body" best explaination. when I did want it anyway. it was more of a crave that was mentally in a heat. my body told me to do it. my body wanted it. the actual feeling going in- feels like coming out ov below 0 degree wheather and right into a really warm house with the heat blowing then drinking tea two minutez after u walk in and smelling ur favorite meal cooking then being fed it while your hands warm, but true. for me cumming was almost idmediate.thick was always better, long **** sumtime hurt and thin did to or was just irritating. 6inch was cool. after cumming it makes my body want to reject the male, and i no longer want the feeling,like, or enjoy it also the smell of the sex begins to bother my stomach.- glad its the past but d**k itself when dne right was- nice.
  • One night in Bangkok
  • i'm a virgin,&& im curious on how it may feel .?
  • For a guy it feels so good. For me when I'm putting my penis into the woman it feels so wet and when moving back and forth the friction you get on the penis from the inner walls with it wet as well feeling so slippery it's them two that make it feel good. The head of the penis is what gets the real pleasure. Moving back and forth it really does feel good. With all that my penis would start to get harder and harder which also causes the penis itself to expand. If you've ever seen a guy's penis like for mine the whole head expands to get bigger. Which I think also causes the girl to have that much more pleasure. With that alongside my penis getting harder I think is what for me is the best thing. That's how I as a guy feels about it.

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