Hmmm...I hadn't heard that, but I could see how it makes sense. Fast walking is good cardio and burns off more calories. I walk fast myself. I have to slow down walking with others because they are slower (and have much shorter legs).
May have some merit. Some people walk slower because they have health problems bad hips, backs and feet etc.
I think..."YEAH!!! I'm gonna live forever" Actually, I think when you're 5' tall you learn to walk really fast to keep up or you get left behind! lol Now all my tall friends are slowing down, but I still walk super fast out of habit and energy :)
Great..means I am gonna live damn near forever..or at least until I :)
Maybe it seems that way because they cover so much more ground....
If the average age of people living in Manhattan is significantly higher than the norm, you may be on to something.
I think it to be true...THEY CAN GET AWAY...FASTER!
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