• sum1 answer
  • Originally the coffins were made from hemp. There were a few problems with this though. Not only did they not last very long but it made all the tombs smell bad because the dirty hippies would hang around trying to smoke it.
  • Am I the only one that knows how to use Google?
  • At first, there were no coffins. The dead were buried directly in the sand. They gradually switched to wodden coffins with increasing complexity. Some lower nobles were buried in elaborate wooden coffins with inlaid jewels and Ivory. Over time as the funeral structures became more elaborate and the wealth began to be buried with the dead, the dead needed more protection so multiple coffins were used and eventually these were placed in heavy gold outer coffins for pharaoh's and princes and these were place in heavy stone sarcophagi. Burial site were then moved to secret tombs in the valley of the kings in caves and cliff sides. This is very thin for an answer but there is not much space. I hope it helped though.

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