Chocolate or Cheese. For chocolate: Fruit For cheese: Breaddy things
chocolate i say. it's always the case, or cheese, really. and chocolate is the sweeter of the two. dipping in brownies, shortcake, cheesecake, pineapples, bananas and marshmallows are all good ideas
Cheese with nachos to dip. And chilli's on top. Fabulous combination!
hmmm cheese and apples are good!
I like to just put my head in the fondue and drink it as it pours into my mouth
I am a great fan of fondue! I suppose my favourite type is cheese - mix of emmenthal and gruyère and white wine - a little dried mustard, and that is about it. And my favourite thing to dip is bread! Mind you, I had a fantastic meat fondue a while ago - lots of different meats dipped in hot oil. My favourite meat was pork fillet rolled in paprika. Yum!!
something with crab or lobster
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