• Not if they are British, it is against the law to smoke in the workplace if it is an enclosed space.
  • No. Too much pollution. they can't open the windows or smoke on the back porch. There might even be too much oxygen in the station to make it safe
  • No, they don't allow sex in the shuttle! LOL
  • just cigars and chew
  • I wish they are not allowed to do so. Already we are spoiling the environment here. Why even the space?
  • No, you have to be in peak physical health to cut it as an astronaut.
  • I should certainly hope not! Other than peer pressure when I was a kid, I probably would nave never started. I smoked for 41 years: pipe, cigars and cigarettes. It wasn't the price of the damn cigarettes which REALLY caused me to quit. One day I coughed and I HATED what I saw. For the sake of everyone who reads this, I won't describe what it was, BUT I can tell you this: It was TOTALLY gross AND disgusting!!! I had two cigarettes left in the pack. I threw those in the trash. I had a full pack at home. Every one of them was destroyed. Every day I thank the Good Lord I was given a tiny peek at what I might have been subjected to. AND for the strength to give-up the damn habit - cold turkey! It's an expensive, rotten, stinking, disgusting habit. STRICTLY a rhetorical Q: Why the hell would anyone want to continue smoking? I'm sorry about the rambling-on, but I hope I let at least one person know he or she should give it up. Thanks for asking your Q! This is one Q I went WAY beyond the boundaries of the Q. I hope the information helps. VTY, Ron Berue Yes, that is my real last name! Sources: Some personal observations and opinions. "THE University of Hard Knocks" Also known as ("a/k/a") "life's valuable lessons".
  • Could be dangerous if the oxygen levels get too high and caused an explosion,but I do not think they would be allowed to smoke anyway.
  • they have to step outside first. :P
  • No. There are no cigarettes there to smoke. If I ever go as a space tourist I will sneak one in the lavatory right after having sex and post the video on utube.
  • "Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska - Scientists employed by the U.S. Strategic Command have recently observed an increase in the amount of space debris that they are charged with tracking. Beer cans and cigarette butts now can be added to the catalog of over 10,000 items observed to be in orbit around the earth. The source of this space litter has been identified as NASA space shuttle astronauts unwinding in between space walks and other assignments. Utilizing powerful telescopes and ground-based radar, the U.S. Strategic command has counted around thirty-six empty cans of Miller Genuine Draft beer and almost one hundred cigarette butts. Reached at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida, NASA deputy administrator Shana Dale discounted accounts of beer cans and cigarette butts in space as fiction created by disgruntled civil servants. Deputy administrator Dale told Red Tractor USA that “These reports of astronauts drinking and smoking while aboard the space shuttle are absolutely ridiculous and totally false.” Dale also said that NASA astronauts are prohibited from smoking cigarettes at any time during their training or while on missions. Based on the heels of recent allegations that several space shuttle astronauts had blasted off and piloted the space shuttle while drunk, Scientists at the U.S. Strategic Command have stated that they have solid evidence that the astronauts were also getting blasted once in orbit. An anonymous source at the air force base told Red Tractor USA “Look, this debris was not there the last time we checked two months ago, then these clowns go up there and our radar has almost one hundred and forty new blips on it.” U.S. Strategic Command tracks all objects orbiting the earth primarily to prevent the misinterpretation of space junk as hostile missiles. Orbiting debris is also considered to be a hazard to the space shuttles. Items much smaller than a cigarette butt have been known to damage the space shuttle when they collide. None of the astronauts from the last space shuttle flight would comment on this story. However, Ravi Patel, a manager at the Seven-Eleven store across the street from the Kennedy space center recalled seeing a junior astronaut in training at his store the morning before the last space shuttle mission. Mr. Patel stated that “This guy is always over here picking up coffee and donuts for the crew and I remember that on the morning before the last mission he stops in here buys a case of beer and a deck of cards, think what you want”." Source and further information:
  • there is NO WAY that ANY astronauts were smokers.get real man....
  • Probably not but you should see them all start to casually meander toward the back hatch on the galley as 4:20 PM approaches.
  • On the Enterprise Yes in Nasa NO!
  • No, it is a government building and they must go outside ;)
  • LOL It's funny that no one here has realized that fire acts differently in zero gee. And we don't know everything about it anyway. Without gravity, there can be no convection currents, so an open flame cannot exist without a steady supply of oxygen. I doubt a cigarette would stay lit under such circumstances.

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