• No I just ignore ignorant people.
  • I just ignore them for the most part. Every site has it's negative/toxic users. Responding to these individuals only keeps them going, ignore them eventually they'll get the hint.
  • I have rarely, rarely come across it. I know it exists, and can be quite full on, but I haven't personally experienced it, yet. *braces for impact*
  • I've rarely run across anyone who is ALWAYS negative or toxic, but no, those people don't prevent me from enjoying the people who are fun and intelligent.
  • Not really. I have learned to work around disruptive people. we all know the worst they can do is type hate messages. the down-rates really doesn't do anything and it isn't like they can force me to click on the typed words. I know that not everyone is going to behave and soon the staff will seek them out and show them to the door. They will delete their nasty little words. Disruptive people are fueled by the knowledge that they are upsetting someone. If you ignore them they see no reason in sticking around.
  • Yes, more so at yahoo answers than here.
  • Nah, I so ignore negativity of any kind.
  • No, I either ignore it or just plain don't run into it often enough to notice. Often, I run into other people's reactions, but not the bad stuff and it's usually all over when I get here. There are a few toxic people here but for the most part we hang out in different areas.
  • No, in fact, at times, it has been the source of my UMPH... by the way, You know this !
  • Nope. I will not let a few bad apples ruin my cider. It's cider and donuts season!
  • No, they either amuse me with their pettiness or I ignore them.
  • I try not to let negativity bother me, but it does. I took a break from Answerbag shortly after I joined because of that. I came back today and saw people beating up on one person, and that made me feel like leaving again :(

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