• I prefer typing. :) It's faster, neater, and easier.
  • I don't mind writing, but I can type a whole lot faster.
  • I do both. But for serious writing, I need to be sitting at my computer typing.
  • I used to love writing and had lovely handwriting, but now i use the laptop so often my writing has suffered and i dont like handwriting any lazy now!
  • Both I enjoy equally but typing doesn't hurt my hands as writing does after a long period of time.
  • I like to write if it's something that requires thinking. Feels more hands on than typing.
  • Typing because you have edit your writing so much,when it's on a computer,it does it for you.
  • Typing. Both hands typing are faster than writing.
  • Definitely typing, I can't write an essay on paper because my planning is so poor. I need to be able to chop and change as I go. Plus I'm faster typing and my handwriting is appalling. +2
  • typings much quicker ha!
  • I prefer to write. I know, I am archaic.
  • I prefer to have a pen in my hand. I'll bet Freud would have something to say about that.
  • I prefer to wait for the movie, actually.
  • Typing for everything except writing songs and creative stuff. No idea why.
  • Typing as it's quicker and for some inexplicable reason my writing beocomes more insightful!
  • My typing is much faster than my writing.
  • Typing. Faster (and even then I can't get my thoughts out fast enough...) and I'm a lefty, so not smudges when I type... hehe
  • type, b/c its faster.
  • If I have a particular idea I'm working on I'll carry a notebook to write in (I carry a notebook anyway for random ideas). Then I'll transfer what I wrote onto the computer. So I guess I could say both. It all depends on where I'm at when I'm inspired.
  • typing 100%. Writing a paper hurts my hand. I write stories by typing--not writing unless there is absolutly no computer available to me.
  • I like them both, but it kinda depends on my mood.
  • Depends what I'm working on. Letters to friends, or thank you notes, or sympathy cards - need to be personal feeling, so I always write those. So few people take the time, that it really says you DO care when you make the extra effort to put pen on paper. I write compulsively, to capture ideas whenever they arrive. I have scribbled notes on paper napkins as I was driving (carefully driving!), on backs of college syllabi, in margins of other assignments... I take notes by hand when interviewing someone. It is less threatening than a tape recorder or laptop. I HATE typing. I prefere to use a dictation program like Dragon Naturally Speaking. Never was a good speedy typist - must be too art-minded to be accurate that way. If I am inspired while using a computer for something else, I will type out my ideas in Word. First drafts are always on paper. Less eye strain, less energy use, lower utility bill, and easier to rearrange a project visually, such as on the floor :-) Also - no fear of manuscript theft if I leave papers on my chair at the coffeeshop, while getting a refill. A laptop would be a thief magnet. Computer is for making it nice, neat, and fit for my editor.
  • I write alot I think it just is alil more personal and shows your there not just a keyboard. I like receiving hand written letters also.
  • Write. I'm not sure why, but my writing is much better by hand than typing, even though I type pretty fast.
  • I can type at 60wpm, I can write at 25. The answer is obvious!
  • i write all thoughts on paper them type them in whatever format i need later
  • I write essays by hand and use the computer to refine it (editorial work, spotting mistakes, etc). I use the computer for these technical aspects of writing only, not for the ideas that spark my essays. So for me, both media are helpful, but writing by hand is more important for me. I need a piece of paper to develop my ideas.
  • It depends. In the drafting phase, I like to write out my initial ideas on paper, because if I do it on the computer, I am more likely to get frustrated and just delete the ideas when they aren't perfect, instead of refining them. After I have a basic outline, then I type the actual manuscript on the computer.
  • Type, I type approx. 90-100wpm. I think fast and I am able to keep up most of the time.
  • Type. About the only thing I write these days is my signature.
  • When I'm going at a good clip, I have to type. I need my writing to keep up with my thoughts. When I'm stuck, I go back to long hand for a while. When I'm REALLY stuck, I pull out the electric type writer, and pound on that thing for a while. There's something about that sound that always comforts
  • I can't write as fast as I'm thinking, so computer. Although most recipients of letters will say they prefer a handwritten letter to a printed page. I think we should have internal recorders that switch on as we enter that state just before sleep. I think I'm having great thoughts, wonderful imagery, the kind of prose to make one weep. Although who knows? I'm almost asleep..... LOL
  • I prefer writing it by hand. Typing goes faster but i still like to write it.
  • Typing.
  • Both. in different ways 'cause if I'm inspired and just writing away, I prefer typing or else my text will be illegible. On the other hand, for serious stuff that I already had in mind, I'd go with writing 'cause in that case, my thoughts I clear and in some cases I even draw the whole point of the story so it's easier for me to get it and also I finish setting the style and all that. I even draw little pictures which help me go along. If I were typing my mind would be blocked... weird, huh? So, I'll go with writing for serious stuff, which is what I intend to keep and promote and stuff. And typing for short essays that are only for me to get my thoughts clear or maybe find some inspiration within the shit that I say at the moment. hehehe
  • I learnt to type on an old upright manual typewriter a while ago. I got calluses on my fingers from using it. If the choice is between a typewriter and a pen, I would go for the pen, on the understanding that I would get the draft typed out by a secretary. I typed out two novels using a manual typewriter: I couldn't afford to hire a secretary, so I had to do the work myself. The only benefit of that was that I got quite good at typing and at resigning myself to rejection slips. At work I did a lot of programming, and the programmer who can't touch type is condemned to a life of misery, mostly from stiff neck and RSI, so I typed and typed and wouldn't go back to using one hand, writing one letter at a time, if I could avoid it. The wonder of computer composition is the ease of modification. People who have not actually gone through the tedium of cutting drafts on paper with scissors, rearranging them, sticking the bits together with sticky tape, submitting them to a secretary for typing, and doing this through several iterations, will not appreciate the simplicity of producing manuscripts with modern word-processors, and when the manuscripts contain mathematics, word-processors are even more labour-saving. You get to type out your equations yourself instead of inserting them into the ms by hand, or getting the secretary to do the best she can with her typewriter. The exception is ceremonial messages, birthday greetings, and perhaps love letters, though I suspect that by now the need for love letters has probably passed me by, for which I would use a decent fountain pen---I have a couple of Rotring Calligraphic pens---and take some trouble to crank up the modified italic script I learnt, so as to make the message look reasonably elegant, not neat handwriting, where every letter looks as though it was written, very slowly, by a fellow with his tongue sticking out of the corner of his mouth, but legibly, and harmoniously disposed on the page.
  • Type less....Write less....Talk more!
  • If careers were based on handwriting, I should of been a doctor lol. So I prefer to type things, so people can read them and well I can type really fast as well:)
  • I prefer to type.
  • I haven't written anything for the past six months!
  • I have the most deplorable writing. I wrote to my Brother once and sixty years later he has asked what did I write to him about. Definitely type, there is no trying to make out what is being said, it is there in the best form possible. No mistakes.
  • My handwriting is absolutely atrocious! The worst part is that it starts out perfectly legible, then, over time, morphs into this hastily scribbled pile of nonsense. I prefer typing, thank you! (I didn't sound too pompous there... did I? :P)
  • Personally, ever since about the age of 20, I PRINT everything. It just seems so much easier than writing, and my printing looks better than my writing. As far as typing, when I was in school, I could type 50 w.p.m., but now, it's the 2 pointer-finger type typing.
  • when I sit tp write my thought flow easily...I dont feel the same when I type...
  • Typing, any day. My writing is practically illegible (I'm a left-hander), even to me after about an hour or so.
  • surprisingly, I prefer to write things out, but I love typing as well.
  • write to-do lists and notes to other people. type everything else.
  • I type because you would have no idea what I am saying right now if I were writing this.
  • depends on what mode im in. i usually type all my offical work.
  • I definitely prefer to type.
  • Actually, I think I have lost the ability to write. I type everything, even notes I leave for people. I can't read my own handwriting anymore; apparently, I'm devolving!
  • I prefer to type. My hand writing is not that good. Besides with the computer I can make changes, check spelling, sent by email, printout and store a copy for my self.
  • I plan on paper, usually while I'm sitting on some form of public transport, but actual writing I feel I need to type so that i can keep up with myself. Also, if I'm writing quickly, my handwriting tends to get a bit illegible.
  • I like typing so much more, because I'm quicker at it and it's always neat :D
  • I prefer to type more because I'm faster and it is faster to correct my mistakes.
  • Type, I'm much better at typing than writting =)
  • Typing, unless it is a shopping list or a quick note to someone. I am left handed and my hand writing is practically illegible. I can't read it myself, never mind anyone else, and it looks awful. My Mum, on the other hand, has lovely, copper plate handwriting which is what you were taught in the early nineteen fifties. It looks beautiful and she can do it really fast. Maybe the problem is that we don't teach kids to write properly anymore?
  • i frefer to write for the reason: if something comes up i can write it down instead of forgetting what it was and sort of not forgetting what it was like forever"}
  • Type. When I type, my hands can keep up with my mind, but when I write I have to slow down my thoughts to keep up. Also, I have hyper hydrosis which means that my hands are almost constantly sweating, so it's aggravating when the paper gets wet when I'm trying to write.

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