• You are correct. To express 4/5 as a decimal just divide 4 by 5. It works with all fractions.
  • 4 divided by 5
  • .80 or 80% depending on what you are doing. Here is the long way. Divide 100 by 5 since the bottom number is 5 and 100 represents the total number from which we are going find 4/5. Now you have 20, which is 1/5 of 100. You have divided 100 into 5 equal parts, but you want only 4 of them for this fraction. Therefore you multiply your 20 by 4 and get 80. So you have 80/100, or 1/5, or .8, or .80 which all equal the same thing. I talked you through it that way so that you could look at the reason for the answer in a different way than the normal formula.
  • You are correct in that any fraction can be converted to a decimal by dividing the top by the bottom. However, if you can multiply the bottom number by something to get 10 or 100 it's really easy. Just multiply the top and bottom by the same amount. Then move the decimal one place to the left if 10 was on the bottom, or two if it was 100. So: 5*2=10 4*2=8 4/5=.8
  • You use LONG DIVISION. Since 5 doesn't go into 4, you add a zero to the numerator to make 4.0 divided by 5, and you treat it as 40 divided by 5, which is 8 with a remainder of 0. Keep track of the decimal point to adjust the answer to 0.8. This method works for any fraction. You don't have to be clever -- just keep adding zeroes after the numerator and keep dividing using long division, until you either reach a remainder of 0, or it repeats, or you have enough digits of accuracy.
  • 0.8 as a decimal and 80% as a percernt... -Cryme Tyme

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