• high heels, platform shoes, sole inserts, or have a doctor do bone grafs or something.
  • You can't get longer legs, unless of course, you're still growing. Otherwise, you're stuck with the legs that your genes have given you.
  • Genetics determine your final height. Good diet and exercise will help you grow healthy, but your genes tell your bones when to stop producing new growth tissue. Sorry, you just have to wait to see how tall you end up being.
  • Oh dear--I'm afraid it's too late to ask for that. Your proportions are genetically predetermined. If you are still growing, your legs will probably grow, too. Otherwise, it's a done deal. Enjoy what you have!
  • Well generally bones grow from the end's... like from the sides... they're are "softer" and grow until they are hardened. about 99% of it is determined by your genes as most of the others have said. But just like if you don't eat, your growth can be stunted, never reaching it's full potential. There's probably a diet where you can grow the most that you'll be able to grow.

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