• You will be thirty-two next January 17.
  • We are in 2009 now. Date of birth 17th January 1975, this means you are 34 years old now, but you will be 35 years old on 17th January next year (17th January 2010)
  • You will live some more and then you will die. But first I'll give you 5 pts. But I was born in '66 so I'll probably get there before you if it makes you feel any better. :-)
  • You will buy the winning lottery ticket for the largest single winner payoff in Power Ball history, but you will accidentally leave it in the pocket the jacket you sent to the dry cleaner.
  • To quote Weird Al: "The stars predict tomorrow you'll wake up, do a bunch of stuff, and then go back to sleep." (Song: "Horoscope")
  • you will die a horrible death, soon. JK! :) i dunno. no one knows.
  • Why that particular date?
  • you will be swimming on a beach in south florida in 3 years from now and you will get sea lice in your bathing suit. Your privates will be covered with red stinging blemishes. You will be walking down a street and a man whom you never met will walk up to you and ask you if he can run his fingers thru your hair. You will say to him....get away from me....he will reply "but my real name is elvis"..... you will find yourself many years from now, laying on your deathbed recalling this random event....
  • I think maybe, ultimately, you're going to shuffle off this mortal coil...does that help?
  • You are the prophet of you own destiny! Just say the word and that will be your reality!
  • I see pointless questions in your future - and your present.
  • Damn! My crystal ball is in the shop

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