• Olive oil help your hair ALOT. Thickness, Luster, Over all health of your hair. Extra Virgin Olive oil is better!! Just put it in your hair and leave in there for about 30 minutes before you wash it. You can also put alittle in on evenings at home alone or even adrop or two before you style it.
  • I don't know if there is any scientific proof that it works, but my sister, who has had thin all of her life swears by Nioxin Cleansing shampoo. It is supposed to exfoliate the dead skin cells on your scalp which promotes new hair growth. I use it occasionally to eliminate build up of the styling products and shampoo/conditioner that I use regularly. It does make my hair feel fuller. You can find it in most beauty supply stores.
  • umm ... my mother does this may be weird but it really works.. put mayo on yo hair as conditioner b4 u wash it.. leave it on for a while .. it may be gross but it really works
  • wel ive tryed almost everthing i tryed puting conding and blow drying it to make it thicker and so it does not keep falling out in lil pieace but i am a boi so my hair is kinda short so i am scared it wel keep getting thin thininer so what should i do?
  • first of all you have to make sure you have three well balanced meals in a day including all food groups vitamins and minerals.Drink plenty of water and use olive oil three times a week on your hair.Massage into scalp and leave for 2hours or even overnight and then wash off with a herbal shampoo plaiting your hair after oiling will help too. Amla oil is very good for hair aswell as Philip Kingsley products they work wonders. Wash your hair every other day and try to minimise the use of hair straightners and blowdryers etc. Vitamin B, kelp and zinc tablets may help too. The best thing is start from within ratger than using styling products to make your hair thicker for a day because what goes inside shows on the outside and that's what really matters. Stop stressing and try massaging your head every night for 10 mins before going to sleep. Exercise and keep healthy and you will see a difference.your hair may take ages to thicken up but it will still look healthier and shinier. Try to keep your hair all one length as layers make your hair look finer i think. Applying henna may also help.
  • Old Czezh-Slovakian beauty secret... Items needed : 1 Turkey Baster, shower cap, pickle juice and Tumeric. Instructions: Mix pickle juice with a dash of tumeric, fill turkey baster with juice, apply juice evenly over scalp, finish with shower cap. Let sit 30 - 45 , then rinse. Repeat 3-4 times per week for desired results. IT REALLY WORKS !
  • Old Czech-slovakian beauty secret... items needed: 1 turkey baster, shower cap,pickle juice and tumeric... mix pickle juice with a dash of tumeric, fill turkey baster with the juice. apply evenly all over scalp and finish with shower cap. let sit for about 30 - 45 minutes. and then rinse. Repeat 3-4 times per week for desired results.
  • I use tresemme conditioner, and dry it with a HUGE round brush. I have really fine, flat hair and it works wonders for me :)
  • You may need to get your thyroid checked. I dont know what age you are but if you are male and middle aged it may just be the time for you to loose hair. I do know that nioxin works. They also have a follicle booster that you can apply on your head and it helps your hair grow back faster as well. cancer patients that are bald swear by this stuff. virgin, unrefined, coconut oil is really healthy to put on your scalp. I am using it right now for my thin hair it really works.

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