• Just someone you prefer not to be with. I love to argue, but there is a time and place for it. An obnoxious person doesn't realize that. I like to fart, but again there is a time and place. (not in front of the g/f). Basically it is someone who has no consideration for others.
  • I always think of the root word here = "noxious"? And noxious = poisonous. And no one in their right @#$%'n mind would wanna intentionally hang out with a kinda human poison, no?! Unless, of course, there's something else in it for 'em. What makes us all so interesting, eh?! ;-)
  • I think of it as a flagrant disregard for another human being's boundaries and considerations. Someone once said, "Your right to swing your fist ends where my nose begins." I think obnoxious begins somewhere in that short little space between :)
  • I don't ever find people who disagree with me obnoxious. I rather like to debate. What I find obnoxious is the person who will stand so firm in their beliefs that no amount of reasoning or evidence presented to the contrary will make them change their small mind.
  • There are such good answers here already. But, I will say that to me "obnoxious" doesn't have anything to do with disagreeing with me. Everyone has the right to disagree. It would be difficult to find someone who agreed with us on everything. To me, the word "obnoxious" means that a person's behavior is grossly disrespectful and arrogant in the way they present their disagreeing. Presentation is close to everything.
  • For me, obnoxious means something/someone is so annoying/irritating they are driving crazy. Just because I disagree with someone does not mean I think they are obnoxious. Someone obnoxious is a person who doesn't know WHEN to keep quiet or when to go away or when to be mellow. My neice has a friend that I will not allow at our house because he is so obnoxious. My children can be very obnoxious at times. It is so much more than just a feeling toward someone I disagree with.
  • Disagreement does not leap to my mind when I think of obnoxious. But it does mean they are highly annoying and possibly vulgar and usually someone trying to cause injury, whether to ideas, pride, reputation, respect.

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