• move the decimal places 2 spots to the left and remove % .01, .06, .10
  • One way to think about this is to look at the word "percent"... as "per cent". "per" usually means "divide by". For example, in the phrase "miles per hour", to calculate it, you take the number of miles your drove and divide by the number of hours it took. Similarly, using "per cent", means "per 100", or "divide by 100". So 6%, means 6 divided by 100, or 0.06. 10% is 10 divided by 100, which is 0.10. I hope that helps.
  • per cent means divided by 100. .01 .06 .10 or just .1
  • 1% - 9% would be written like this 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 ect 10% - 99% would be written 0.10 0.11 0.12 - 0.99 and then im pretty sure 100% is written 1.0 and i think i may be wrong but something like 120% would look like this 1.20 i think so i do know for a fact that im right about the numbers under 100

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