• Why would that be necessary?
  • Because he's a Muslim extremist and he'd lose all his street cred when people learn his Mom is from Kansas. But seriously, he talks about her as much as he talks about his father. Are you asking maybe why you never see her at his speeches? It's because she died in 1995.
  • He does mention her. Just not in all of his speeches, because its not relevant to the campaign. The same reason McCain doesnt talk about his mother and father every single speech. Saying "America, guess what? My mom is white" doesnt seem to make any sense to say.
  • He does. More crap about Obama. :(
  • At the convention, it seemed his greatest pride was his white grandfather who marched with Patton, his white grandmother who did without so he could have what he needed..and the fact that she raised him, and his white mother who taught him about being an American and to put himself in someone elses shoes. His African father, and his step father are rarely mentioned, as are his half brothers in Africa because to do so, would NOT be beneficial to HIM.
  • I would rather hear both candidates talk about their positions and solutions to America's huge problems: In no particular order: Iraq, the economy, the national debt, Universal Health Care, education, foreign policy, terrorism, inflation, unemployment.
  • Because he would lose much of his "blackness", and by extension, the black vote.
  • I guess you didn't watch any of the DNC then? There was a short bio on before his speech...where he spoke about his mother and her parents (all white) and showed pictures of them. He spoke about them with pride in the bio, and spoke of them in his acceptance speech.
  • He's a racist.
  • because then all the G's of the world won't consider him a brother no more

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