• Because they drink more?
  • Women have uteruses that are above the bladder and when the bladder or uterus expands, the two meet. Women might notice they have more frequency especially when they are pregnant and some even notice it more during PMS. I am sure there are more detailed and scientific answers out there, but this was the one given to me by a urologist when I asked several years ago.
  • Unless a woman is pregnant or has another health issue, I don't think I have ever read anything that substantiates women needing to pee more or more often (two different things) than men. YOUR personal "mileage" or what you have noticed may vary. I know women who can hold it alot longer than I ever could, and there are some who cannot hold it much at all. Also I think women often go to the restroom (especialy when out in public) much more than men do, to check-apply-touch up-take off make-up etc., and when they are in there, they pee if they can just for the heck of it. So their bladders could be "conditioned" abit more to go a little more frequently than men. Just a possibility.
  • If a woman doesn't have good pelvic floor muscles and some other muscle i really don't know how to spell - something like syphincter. Then becasue the drop between the bladder and uretra is totally downwards, it's being pulled by gravity so its much easier than it is for guys to have 'little accidents' lol. Guys actually have to pee up a tiny little bit before they urinate, and rather than (as it does for a woman) It getting harder to hold the urine in, the prostate enlarges and it actually makes it harder to pee.
  • Women pee more because they have shorter urethra,the tube that attaches from the bladder to the opening of the outside of the body; this also makes them more prone to UTI's (Urinary Tract Infections).
  • Sorry, but I don't think your question is based on an accurate statement. So I would say, they don't.
  • They pee more often but they pee less fluid. Guys hold it until we need to pee all at once.

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