• I think its endlesscause how can i just stop?i think it will always be there and that it will always contune farther out.
  • I think personally (and that is without much knowledge on the subject) that it continues forever..just because it is crazy to think about, and more fun to imagine then it just stopping.
  • It stops. Or the theory is it stops. You may say, the theory is that it is enlesss. Wrong. The theory is is that it is expanding, getting larger all the time. So it has to stop, wherever it has not expanded yet.
  • I have watched on science channels that say that space expands very large and then gets as small as a tiny atom.
  • Space is cyclic like the earth so it has no end or edges.
  • I think space stretches as far as our imagination allows us to stretch. I don't think that space is cylic like earth, because what would be on the outside? another vast universe?
  • I think that space is endless, but not infinite. Eventually, it wraps around. But that eventually is so large that we will probably never be able to reach it. So, for the pedantic, space is finite. For the adventurous, space will allow you to explore for ever.
  • Space is not so much a "something", it is everything. It may be hard to conceptualize this, but there is nothing "beyond" space, which would indicate a limit. Space is what everything makes up. It is a dimension more than a place. Think of it like this: a point (zero dimension) is infinitely small; a line (one dimension) is infinitely long; a plane (two dimensions) is infinitely long and wide. Space, which consists of these three dimensions, plus a fourth (time), and a theorized extra number of them (anywhere between 7 and 17) can be seen to be theoretically infinite in any possible direction. While in practical terms we can sense the "edge" of the universe (the Cosmic Background Microwave Radiation which is the remnants of the Big Bang that exists at equal distance in all directions), the actual meaning of this is somewhat different that what you might automatically assume. Everything in existence (space, time, you, me, Answerbag) began at (or before-- but that's a whole other nut to crack) the Big Bang. There is literally nothing "outside" of space. So, in a very real sense, space is infinite. There are some wonderful books on this subject. Such as Stephen Hawking's "A Brief History Of Time" and if you're looking to get even deeper and more esoteric, check out "The Fabric Of The Cosmos" or "The Elegant Universe", both by Brian Greene.
  • I believe that it does end. Even though everyone says, "Numbers keep going." They can't just constantly be made. That has to be impossible. Everything has to end SOMEWHERE. And I believe space does as well.
  • Venusstar provides a brief, but accurate answer according to folks like Hawking. To expand a bit, the theory is that the universe is never ending, while space (stars, planets, asteroids, dark matter, etc.) is still expanding from the force of the Big Bang into the universe. Eventually, this momentum will stop and space will collapse upon itself until it can no longer compress. At which time, I am supposing another Big Bang will start the process again.
  • That question can drive you crazy if you give it too much thought. If space does end, then what's beyond the end of space and beyond that and beyond that and beyond that, etc., etc., etc.?
  • This was a question i asked myself many times, i think, is there an end to space or does it just keeps going and going. In my OPINION i think it keeps going and going.
  • i think its endless
  • I think that some of the answerers to this question are thinking that the universe and space are one and the same thing. I believe this is not the case. ponder this if you will. The universe is finite.It does have an end.Space is what the universe exists in.I propose that space is infinite and never ending, and just as our sun is one star amongst billions in our galaxy alone. so must our universe be one amongst perhaps billions in the infinite void that is space. The vastness of space,if in fact it has an ending will prevent us from ever finding it. so in as far as we are concerned, it is in fact endless.
  • Endless, there is nothing to stop it.
  • No. I do not think that space is endless. After all, if one is speculating such a question with acceptance and/or aknowledgment of the big bang theory, then one would know that it is said that the Universe is still expanding from an expolsion that created it billions of years ago. And here we go in to philisophical thought on a subject I find myself thinking of only too often. Where is the universe expanding in to? Simply existance? But why and where does existance exist? And is it really all as big as we think it is, or just big compared to us? How do we know that our universe to something somewhere is only as big as an atom is to us? Ponder that for a bit. I think you'll enjoy it :D
  • The farther away from us it gets, the faster the expanding universe seems to move; and when it hits lightspeed, it for all practical purposes leaves the universe since no information about it can come back here. So we call it "the observable universe" and it's not important what, if anything, lies beyond it. Until we catch up with science fiction and invent a faster-than-light spaceship.
  • i hope it never ends.if it does, we're just bugs in some-ones experiment.
  • the edge of the universe? I beleive it is correct to say that you are curently teatering on that ‘edge’ at this very moment, and this (all around you) is what it looks like, unless, of course, you can designate a region of space which is consistantly in the future from where you are in time, right now.
  • no it does not, what would be at the end, (a brick wall and after that ?) our mind truely can not concieve something not ending, since everything we know has a start & an end. what ever is out there goes on forever.
  • I don't think the human mind is capable of gathering that info. At least I know it gives me a headache!
  • Inflationary cosmology is widely accepted, in that space is indeed infinite. However, it is my personal opinion that over vast scales, a slight curvature of space-time would eventually cause a circle that connects one "side of space" to the other, like travelling around earth. If earth were trillions and trillions of miles long, and observer on the planets surface would assume that the landmass is infinite. I don't believe that something that is not abstract can be truly "infinite", but it can be infinite for all attempts and purposes of defining it.
  • No, it doesn't end, it has no an end
  • Space is the abscence of matter and energy. An abstraction that does not end and is indeed infinite. Not to be confused with the "universe" which is the space occupied by all matter and energy which is still expanding and does end. Making it finite.
  • Isaac Asimov (okay, he's dead so this opinion is a little dated but may still be our best understanding of it) wrote that in the expanding universe, the farther away galaxies get from us the more speed they pick up. At the edge of what's called the universe they reach the speed of light relative to us and no information can come back to us about what's beyond that. Therefore, the universe does have a practical end--the galaxies at about 15 billion light years from us in any direction are moving at the speed of light, and are as thin as paper before they disappear. From their point of view, however, WE are as thin as paper, moving at the speed of light, and about to disappear.
  • One way to picture the universe is to imagine that it exists on the surface of a balloon. As the balloon expands, all things on the surface get farther and farther apart. However, there is no "end" to the balloon. If you travel far enough in any direction, you return to your starting point. As for what is 'outside' our Universal Balloon, or what it is expanding into.....I have no idea.
  • Space is eternal.
  • It is always expanding, it is expanding much faster than the speed of light so it makes it impossible to reach the edge.
    • CosmicWunderkind
      Hmm. I thought I just learned that there universe is static by scientists. That maybe wrong but lookitup.
  • what blows me away is that this is a question thats gets people at all ages. i remember asking the same question to my father when i was 4.. i have heard so many radical ideas about what is beyond space, each one more true than the next. but i guess if there really was an end to space, what would we then be asking.. personally i think space is endless and the human race will never know the answer to this question. awesome question i might add..
  • I think it's finite. Infinity is only a concept we created with our minds, everything else in our experience has a definite set of limits, so why space should be different wouldn't make sense. We can only base our inferences of our universe based on past experiences, although they may be proven wrong in the future it is all we have now.
  • It's INFINITE Kid! +5
  • As far as we know; it's infinite.
  • Ouch! Brain Freeze!
  • Of course it doesn't end. If it did we would be wanting to know what is on the other side of where it ends. Like a large a room ends with a wall. Something is on the other side if it is only space.
  • There was a time that we thought the earth was flat, walk to far and you fall off. I think the universe closes in on itself. If you keep moving in the same direction you return to were you started.
  • That's one of those questions that'll drive you nuts. So I try not to think about it.
  • Endless and the universe is expanding.
  • 3-14-2017 Well, you just have to accept something painful: Nobody knows. The human mind can not deal with either concept, and nobody can see anything to resolve the issue. We can see that space is dark. That is important. If there were no limit to the number of stars then every line of sight would end at a star and space would be bright. Or if space curved back on itself in any way, every line of sight would end at the back of our own sun and space would be bright. Space is dark, so there is a limit to the number of stars and space does not curve at all.
  • Infinity and beyond
  • 3-25-2017 There is a brick wall at the edge of space. If you get out of your space ship and get up close you can see a sign that invites you to insert a quarter in the slot to see what is beyond the wall. But it's nothing.
  • I think our universe is a mere snow globe sitting on God's desk.
  • I think we are all trapped in a bubble among millions in a head of beer and you can't pass through because you will get zapped like an electric fence.
  • We know it is BIG...maybe so big that it is continuous...and the only way to prove that is to keep on going...until maybe we come back to our starting point...without ever turning...????????????????

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