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  • Yes, you should get yourself straight to the doctor - do not pass go. While in younger females, you're periods will be irratic, you should always check when it gets too long. This happened to me in my early 20's and after week number 3 I went to the doc who ran a bunch of tests and determined I was anemic. She advised taking iron pills and that helped a lot. But don't just start taking iron pills, get yourself checked out because it could be something entirely different!
  • Yes. I suggest that you see a doctor ASAP. It may be endometriosis or fibroids.
  • i have an iud fitted therefore i do not menstruate at all but i have had a loss since the middle of august it is not heavy i have had a 2 week break in total. gp gave me a pelvic exam and has referred me to my gynaecologist i may need a hysteroscope to check for fibroids or polyps, i also run to the loo a lot which could mean if something is there it is putting pressure on the bladder... im not concerned though as i have been through this before and they jus removed the iud for a 6 month break

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