• It's kind of difficult to do if you've never done it before or if the rabbit is very young. It takes experience which is why most of the people that work in those pets stores don't know what they are talking about. Especially at younger ages, there are no outward signs of sex in rabbits. Bucks may not show testicles or even a penis until several months old. So you have to be good at 'reading' their genitals. You can sex rabbits as young as a few weeks old if you know what to look for. Instead of trying to explain it to you, here are two websites with photos that will explain it. It's so easy to teach in person but this will have to do. The first link has two links at the bottom for boy and girl. Be sure to look at those:-) As far as feeding your rabbit, it's best to have hay available all the time for it to eat but it's best if pellets are given just a small amount each day. And you can't leave veggies sitting around for days as they need to be fresh. I suppose if you had to, in an emergency, you could have hay and lots of pellets for it to eat, but that isn't the best way to care for a rabbit. It would be better to have someone it knows, come in and care for it, checking to see if it's okay like you would for a dog.

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